Meetings | Implementation | Guidance | Background | UNEP POPs Programme | ||
The Conference of the Parties in its decision SC-2/5 on the ongoing review and updating of the Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases, requested the Secretariat to initiate an open, transparent process, in cooperation with the Chemicals Branch of the United Nations Environment Programme’s Division of Technology, Industry and Economics and in consultation with users and specialized experts in the field of emission factors and measurements related to releases of Annex C persistent organic pollutants, to develop further the Toolkit. In light of
the above, the Secretariat invited countries to indicate name(s) and provide CVs
of national experts, which could be consulted at need, as requested in paragraph
4 of decision SC-2/5. In response to this invitation to date the Secretariat has
received 84 nominations from 57 countries and the European Community. In
addition, two NGOs nominated five representatives.
In fulfillment of the decision SC-2/5, the Secretariat and UNEP Chemicals are jointly organizing an expert meeting to further develop the Toolkit from 13 to 15 of December 2006 in Geneva, in the International Environment House 11-13, chemin des Anémones CH-1219 Châtelaine Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting will be held in English language only. From the nominated experts, individuals were selected by the Secretariat to take part in the meeting on the basis of the criteria set out in decision SC-2/5 and geographical distribution. Representatives of both environmental and industrial NGOs are invited as well. In addition, further experts have been identified by UNEP Chemicals Branch to be invited in order to provide supporting specialized expertise in dioxin measurements or determination of emission factors. The main issues to be addressed at the meeting are as follows: 1. Elements of an open and transparent process to develop further the Toolkit 2. Summary of two expert meetings held on Category 6 – Open burning of biomass and waste 3. Determination of emission factors for combustion of biomass and fossil fuels in power plants, boilers, and small installations