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United Nations Environment Programme
Second session
Nairobi, 25-29 January 1999
Second survey of development assistance activities for capacity-building conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Note by the Secretariat
At its first session, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee asked the Secretariat to prepare a description of existing global, regional and bilateral programmes providing technical and financial assistance with regard to the management and elimination of chemicals (UNEP/POPS/INC.1/7, para 62(a)). In response to this request, the Secretariat prepared document UNEP/POPS/INC.2/5. In it reference is made to the "Second OECD survey of development assistance activities for capacity-building" which is now circulated for the information of the Committee in an annex to the present note. This information is provided as submitted by the secretariat of OECD, and has not been formally edited.
This document provides a summary and analysis of the information reported by OECD Member countries concerning the development assistance they provide to developing countries for capacity building in the field of chemicals and pesticides management.
A table containing an overview of the projects reported during both the First Survey (1996) and the Second Survey (1998) is attached.
In March 1996 in Canberra, the Intersessional Group (ISG) of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) which is responsible for overseeing the implementation of Agenda 21, Chapter 19, invited the OECD to develop an information exchange programme to facilitate co-ordination of capacity building assistance provided by OECD Member countries to developing countries in the field of chemicals/pesticides management. This project would complement activities conducted through the Inter-organisation Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) to co-ordinate capacity building activities of multi-lateral organisations. In response, the OECD conducted the First Survey of Development Assistance Activities for Capacity Building.
First Survey (1996)
made the results of the First Survey available at the IFCS II meeting in Ottawa, in February 1997 (document IFCS/FORUM-II/97.10B), to serve as a background for the discussion on Area E of Chapter 19. The survey collected information on 116 assistance projects that 16 Member countries and the European Commission had initiated in developing countries, including those with economies in transition.In June 1997, the OECD Joint Meeting on chemicals agreed that this surveying activity was worthwhile and should be continued. Delegates suggested that regular updates of the survey should be initiated every two years, with results available for future IFCS/ISG meetings.
Second Survey (1998)
In February 1998, in view of the ISG III meeting, the OECD Secretariat initiated the Second Survey and contacted the Heads of Delegations to the OECD Joint Meeting, as well as all relevant OECD groups, such as those involved in pesticide management, in chemical accidents, etc. Member countries were asked to report on new development assistance projects initiated since the First Survey and to revise 1996 information if necessary.
In order to update their information, countries were requested to complete a reporting form (annex 1). The form was slightly revised since the First Survey; in making the revisions, the OECD Secretariat consulted experts in development assistance and capacity building activities, including the OECDs Working Party on Development Assistance and the Environment. For each project, countries were to provide a listing of their ministries involved, the collaborating parties (if any), the recipient country(ies), the title of the project and when it was scheduled to begin and end. In addition, countries were asked to describe each project according to a list of terms which referred to both capacity building (e.g., "
Development of Legislation/Regulations", "Education / Training / Awareness Raising") and chemicals (e.g. "Testing", "Safe Production, Use, Control of Emissions and Disposal of Toxic Substances") terminologies. Finally, countries were given an option to report additional information including a narrative description of the project, and whether there was monetary funding and/or technical assistance provided.The data collected during this Second Survey was added to the simple database (using Microsoft Access) created to store the information provided by countries in 1996. Based on the information received in 1996 and 1998, the report in annex 2 has been prepared. As providing all of the information for each project is not feasible, the attached report contains only those items thought to be of most interest: names of donor and recipient country, title and length of project, description of project, and year(s) the project was reported or updated (i.e. 1996, 1998 or 1996 (1998), the latter indicating that projects already reported in 1996 were updated in 1998 or should be continuing in 1998). Various other reports can be produced using the database, depending on the types of interest. Upon request, more complete information on particular projects can be provided by the OECD Secretariat.
Responses received
As of 15th June 1998, 17 OECD Member countries and the European Commission described 230 projects, among which 114 new ones were reported in 1998. Five additional countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovak Republic) indicated that they had not engaged any development assistance activities.
The countries that responded to the First and Second Surveys and the number of projects for which they reported are as follows (the first number gives the total number of projects, whereas the second number indicates those reported in 1998): Australia (11/2), Austria (1/1), Belgium (4/1), Canada (28/26), Denmark (50/41), Finland (8/4), France (10/1), Germany (20/10), Japan (6/0), Korea (4/4), the Netherlands (10/10), Norway (11/5), Portugal (4/0), Sweden (15/3), Switzerland (9/0), the United Kingdom (14/2), the United States (18/4) and the European Commission (7/0).
A short analysis of the information provided in 1996 and 1998 is given below, in a similar way as what was done for the First Survey.
The range of responses varied widely from country to country; considerable descriptive information was provided for some projects, while little if any were provided for others. In addition, as it was recognised during the First Survey, it is not always easy to identify projects dealing specifically with chemicals and pesticides management. Some countries had indicated that they had had some difficulties in finding chemicals-specific activities and that they had not dared to mention some larger environmental projects which however contained a chemical component. Therefore, the Second Survey asked countries to report on all projects that contain a chemicals management part.
Donor and recipient countries
The reporting form first requested information on donor and recipient countries and on possible collaborating parties.
Donor countries identified the recipient countries in various ways. For 153 projects, donor countries gave aid to one specific country. For 50 others, a group of countries or simply a geographic area (e.g. Central America, Africa) was reported. In the remaining projects, donor countries indicated that their aid was provided to some "developing countries" within a region or "world-wide". In all, 62 of the projects were aimed at helping African/Middle-East countries, 61 for the Asian/Pacific area, 47 for Central/South America and the Caribbean region, and 46 for Eastern Europe and the Baltic countries.
Types of projects
The next part of the reporting form asked some more specific questions about the projects themselves. In addition to the title, which could provide a general description of the type of project, countries were also asked to describe their projects according to various parameters.
Additional information (optional reporting)
In order to lessen the burden of reporting, countries were only asked to respond to a few questions regarding descriptions of their projects. However, countries had the option of providing answers to more specific questions which requested information on the type of assistance, technical and/or financial. Respondents could also complement the reporting forms by attaching any document describing their projects. Most responses contained answers to at least one question in the optional part of the survey.
Possibilities for co-operation and co-ordination
One of the original reasons for initiating this project was to increase efficiencies in donor assistance and avoid duplication. Although the project descriptions provided by countries are not extremely detailed, they can be used to point to areas where consultation between donor countries may be worthwhile. For instance, there are countries which receive assistance on pesticides projects from three or four different donor countries. While those facts alone do not necessarily mean there is duplication, it could point to an area where the donor countries could discuss their projects amongst themselves and see if there are areas for co-operation.
(Distributed to Member countries on 2nd February 1998, with responses due by 6 April.)
Second Survey of OECD Member Country
Development Assistance Activities for Capacity Building
in the Field of Chemicals/Pesticides Management
(Please use one form per project)
Status of the Project
Please indicate whether you are reporting on a new project
you are updating information on an on-going project already reported in 1996.
If so, please enter its reference number:
Donor Country Identification
Main Ministry/Agency
Contact Name
Other Ministry/Agency
Contact Name
Collaborating Parties Other parties which are participating in the project:
Partner/Recipient Country(ies)
Main partner organisation
(e.g. ministry/agency)
Contact Name
Other partner organisation
(e.g. ministry/agency)
Contact Name
Title of the project
Start Date:
End Date:
Project Description Please place a check mark (Ö ) next to each item that best describes your aid programme. You may place more than one check mark in each column:
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
1. Development of Legislation/Regulations | 1. Chemicals | 1. Testing (Hazard Identification) | |||
2. Implementation, Enforcement, Monitoring and Compliance with Legislation or Mandatory Programmes | 2. Pesticides | 2. Exposure Analysis | |||
3. Information Generation, Gathering, Use and Dissemination | Other * (please list) |
3. Hazard/Risk Assessment (Risk Characterisation) | |||
4. Creation / Management of Databases | 4. Hazard/Risk Communication (labelling, MSDS, etc.) | ||||
5. Development of Inventories/Registers | 5. Classification of Products | ||||
6. Development of Guidance Documents | 6. Pesticide Registration | ||||
7. Conduct of Economic Analysis | 7. Good Laboratory Practice | ||||
8. Design and Conduct of Research | 8. Risk Reduction/Management (e.g., controls) | ||||
9. Quality Control | 9. Safe Production, Use, Control of Emissions and Disposal of Toxic Substances (e.g., Clean technology) | ||||
10. Education / Training / Awareness Raising | 10. Import/Export of Substances (e.g., PIC) | ||||
11. Encouraging Community Participation (e.g., right-to-know) | 11. Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Response | ||||
12. Development of Partnerships with Industry | 12. Life-cycle analysis | ||||
Other (please list) | 13. Pollution Prevention, waste minimisation and Industrial Environmental management | ||||
14. National Profile Development | |||||
Other (please list) |
pharmaceuticals, fertilisers and products of biotechnology are not to be included
Narrative Description of the Project (optional)
Please attach any short existing document you have which describes the project.
Type of Assistance for the Project (optional)
Monetary Funding and/or Technical Assistance
Total amount of Aid for the Project (optional)
TO 1996 AND 1998 SURVEYS
DONOR COUNTRY Main ministry |
TITLE of the
PROJECT Duration |
Category Sector Sub-sector |
Year project initially reported (and updated) | OECDs ref. no. |
Environment Protection Agency | China | Environmental Friendly
Formulations of Fertilisers and Pesticides 6 months |
Development of partnerships with
industry. Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. |
1996 | 15 |
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development | India | Hyderabad Waste Management
Technology 4 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1996 (1998) | 14 |
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development | Indonesia | Pollution Control
Implementation Project 5 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1996 (1998) | 11 |
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development | Indonesia | Environmental Laboratories
Project 3 years |
Quality control. Education,
training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Risk reduction/mgt. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 128 |
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development | Pakistan | Institutional Strengthening of
Punjab Environmental Protection Agency 3 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1996 (1998) | 12 |
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development | Papoua New Guinea | Department of Environment and
Conservation Strengthening 5 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1996 (1998) | 13 |
Environment Protection Agency | Vietnam | Environmental Friendly
Formulations of Fertilisers and Pesticides 6 months |
Development of partnerships with
industry. Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. |
1996 | 10 |
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development | Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niuc, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu |
Pacific Waste Management POP -
phase 1 3 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with
legislation or mandatory programmes. Development of inventories/registers. Chemicals. Testing. GLP. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 120 |
Environment Protection Agency | Cook Islands, Fidji, Kiribati, Papoua New Guinea, Western Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu |
UNITAR National Profiles
Development 6 months |
Development guidance docs. Chemicals. Pesticides. Development of national profile. |
1996 | 1 |
Environment Protection Agency | Asia (2 countries) | UNITAR National Profiles
Development 6 months |
Development guidance docs. Chemicals. Pesticides. Development of national profile. |
1996 | 96 |
Environment Protection Agency | Asia Pacific Region Countries | Pollutant Release and Transfer
Register Workshop for the Asia Pacific Region 2 days |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of inventories/registers. Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1996 | 16 |
AUSTRIA | |||||
Federation of Chemical Industries | Chemical Transport Safety
(Yearly conference) 1 day |
Chemicals. | 1998 | 125 |
BELGIUM | |||||
Ministère de l'Emploi et du Travail | Albania, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania |
Bilateral Social Cooperation
on Occupational Health and Safety On-going |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Asbestos. Hazard/risk assessment. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 130 |
Ministère de l'Emploi et du Travail | Benin, Burkina Faso, Central Africa, Guinea, Niger |
Training of (factory)
inspectors Permanent |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Inspection of Health and Safety at the Workplace. GLP. |
1996 | 2 |
Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé publique et de l'Environnement | Chemical Safety | Development guidance docs.
Creation/mgt. of databases. Design and conduct of research. Education, training, awareness
raising. Testing. Hazard/risk communication. Import/export of substances. |
1996 | 18 |
Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé publique et de l'Environnement | 1996 | 17 |
CANADA | |||||
International Development Research Centre | Argentina | Integrated Approaches to Safe
Drinking Water Quality - WaterTox 1 year |
Design and conduct of research.
Quality control. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. GLP. |
1998 | 230 |
Natural Resources Canada | Argentina | Technology Transfer in the
Mineral Sector 2 years |
Establishment of an environmental laboratory. | 1996 | 82 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Bangladesh | Environmental Management
Project 6.4 years |
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 221 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Bangladesh | Institutional Linkages ll -
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and University of Alberta (U of
A) 5.3 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 216 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Brazil | Environmental Training in
Brazilian Industry 4.2 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 215 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Brazil | Institutional Development
Training 4.6 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 214 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Brazil | Canada-Brazil Technology
Transfer Project 6 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 211 |
Natural Resources Canada | Brazil | Co-operative Project for
Sustainable Development in the Minerals Sector 3 years |
Establishment of an Acid Mine Drainage Program. | 1996 | 81 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Chile | International Centre for Training and Technology Transfer | Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 212 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Chile | Transfer of Technology to
improve the management and use of pesticides in Chilean agriculture (Part of the
"Southern Core Technology Transfer" project) 2.5 years |
Pesticides. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 210 |
International Development Research Centre | Chile | Integrated Approaches to Safe
Drinking Water Quality - WaterTox 1 year |
Design and conduct of research.
Quality control. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. |
1998 | 231 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | China | China-Canada Cooperation in
Cleaner Production 5.9 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1998 | 217 |
International Development Research Centre | Colombia | Integrated Approaches to Safe
Drinking Water Quality - WaterTox 1 year |
Design and conduct of research.
Quality control. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. |
1998 | 232 |
International Development Research Centre | Costa Rica | Integrated Approaches to Safe
Drinking Water Quality - WaterTox 1 year |
Design and conduct of research.
Quality control. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. |
1998 | 233 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Egypt | On-Farm Water and Soil
Management Project (OWSOM) 8.5 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 218 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | India | India-Canada Environment
Facility 7.2 years |
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 222 |
International Development Research Centre | India | Integrated Approaches to Safe
Drinking Water Quality - WaterTox 1 year |
Design and conduct of research.
Quality control. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. |
1998 | 234 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Indonesia | Environmental Management
Development in Indonesia - Phase 3 4.9 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 223 |
International Development Research Centre | Israel (Palestine) | Environment and Public Health
(Palestine) 2 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Encouraging community participation. Information generation, gathering, use and
dissemination. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. Exposure analysis. |
1998 | 227 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Jamaica | Environmental Development Program | Development of legislation/regulations. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Education, training, awareness raising. Information generation, gathering, use and dissemination. | 1998 | 220 |
International Development Research Centre | Kenya | East Africa Pesticide Network 8 years |
Development guidance docs. Design
and conduct of research. Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community
participation. Information generation, gathering, use and dissemination. Pesticides. Testing. Exposure analysis. GLP. |
1998 | 225 |
International Development Research Centre | Mexico | Integrated Approaches to Safe
Drinking Water Quality - WaterTox 1 year |
Design and conduct of research.
Quality control. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. |
1998 | 226 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Nigeria | Centre for Agrochemical
Technology 2 years ?? |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 213 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Pakistan | Pakistan Environment Program 4.2 years |
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 224 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Russia | Arctic Hydrocarbon
Environmental Impact 2 years |
Quality control. Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 219 |
International Development Research Centre | Tanzania | East Africa Pesticide Network 8 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community participation. Information
generation, gathering, use and dissemination. Testing. Exposure analysis. GLP. |
1998 | 228 |
International Development Research Centre | Ukraine | Integrated Approaches to Safe
Drinking Water Quality - WaterTox 1 year |
Design and conduct of research.
Quality control. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. GLP. Hazard/risk communication. |
1998 | 229 |
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency | Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Uruguay |
Southern Cone Technology
Transfer Project 5 years |
Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 208 |
DENMARK | |||||
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Bangladesh | Bio-Intensive Agro Forestry 7 years |
Encouraging community
participation. Information generation, gathering, use and dissemination. Pesticides. |
1998 | 145 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Bangladesh | Plant Protection Programme 5 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 161 |
Danish EPA | Belarus | Regulation of Pesticides -
Project Formulation Mission 4 months |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. |
1998 | 135 |
Danish EPA | Belarus | Survey, Management and
Disposal of Accumulated Obsolete Pesticides in Belarus 1.5 years |
Pesticides. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1998 | 134 |
Danish EPA | Belarus | Lymantria Monacha, Belarus 1996 | Control Program. Pesticides. Biopesticides. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. |
1996 | 114 |
Danish EPA | Belarus | Biotechnological Pest Control in Forestry in Belarus | Control program. Pesticides. Biopesticides. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. |
1996 | 115 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Benin | Improvement of Food Supply 6 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. |
1998 | 166 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Bolivia | Development of Natural
Resources and Agriculture, Mirna 2 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 143 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Bolivia | Agricultural and Natural
Resource Advice, Cadena 10 years |
Quality control. Education,
training, awareness raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 144 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Bolivia | Agricultural Development -
Yungas 2000 4 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Information generation, gathering, use and
dissemination. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 148 |
Danish EPA | Botswana | Support to Management of
Chemical Substances 3 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Creation/mgt. of databases. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Development of
inventories/registers. Information generation, gathering, use and dissemina Chemicals. Testing. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. |
1998 | 131 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Ghana | Agroforestry 8 years |
Information generation,
gathering, use and dissemination. Pesticides. |
1998 | 165 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Guatemala | Coffee Cooperative Capacity
Building 1 year |
Development guidance docs.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 152 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | India | Rajasthan Development Project 6 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. |
1998 | 153 |
Danish EPA | Lithuania | Integrated Control Program for Lymantria and Dendrolimus Pini In Lithuania | Control program. Pesticides. Biopesticides. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. |
1996 | 111 |
Danish EPA | Lithuania | Integrated Control Program for Lymantria Monacha and other Defoliators in Lithuanian Forests | Control Program. Pesticides. Biopesticides. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. |
1996 | 112 |
Danish EPA | Lithuania | Environmental Evaluation of
Agrochemicals and provision of a Catalogue of Regulatory Instruments and Guidelines to
ensure a sound use of such Chemicals in the future 2 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases.
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory
programmes. Conduct of economic analysis. Education, training, awareness ra Pesticides. Testing. Hazard/risk assessment. Pesticide registration. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 113 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Mozambique | Strengthening the Plant
Protection Sector 6 years |
Pesticides. | 1998 | 164 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Nepal | Soil Conservation in Rasuwa
Nuwakot and Dhading Districts 5 years |
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community participation. | 1998 | 237 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Nepal | Integration of Natural Resources and Agriculture | Pesticides. | 1998 | 142 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Nicaragua | Integrated Project for Local
Development in Achuapa 3 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Life Improvement. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 147 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Nicaragua | Integrated Land Development
Project in El Sauce 4 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. |
1998 | 146 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Nicaragua | Agroforestry in El Dital 7 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 141 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Nicaragua | UNAG Farming Development 2 years |
Encouraging community participation. | 1998 | 239 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Niger | Management of Natural
Resources, Baban Rafi 2 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. |
1998 | 140 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Philippines | Establishment of Folk High
School 2 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. |
1998 | 149 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Philippines | Organic Villages 3 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Information generation, gathering, use and dissemination. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. Life-cycle analysis. |
1998 | 150 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Philippines | Capacity Building for
Sustainable Development 3 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 151 |
Danish EPA | Poland | Savings and Substitutions of
Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals 3 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. Substitution of Problematic Chemicals. |
1998 | 137 |
Danish EPA | Poland | Integrated Control of Lymantria Monacha in Polish Forests | Control Program. Pesticides. Biopesticides. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. |
1996 | 116 |
Danish EPA | Russian Federation | Ozone Depleting Substances
(ODS) Phaseout in the Sector of Refrigeration Servicing in St. Petersborg City and
Leningrad Oblast 1 year |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Risk reduction/mgt. Phaseout of Problematic Chemicals. |
1998 | 138 |
Danish EPA | Slovak Republic | Implementation of a Laboratory
Structure for Providing Analyses and Tests of Sufficient Quality for Environmental
Managment in Slovaka, Phase 2 3 years |
Establishment of proper reference
laboratory for ecotoxicological tests. Chemicals. Pesticides. |
1998 | 136 |
Danish EPA | Slovak Republic | Implementation of a Laboratory Structure for Analyses, Phase 1 | Design and conduct of research.
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory
programmes. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. |
1996 | 118 |
Danish EPA | Slovak Republic | Laboratory Project in Slovakia - Laboratory of Reference | Design and conduct of research.
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory
programmes. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. |
1996 | 119 |
Danish EPA | Slovak Republic | Ecotoxicological Methods and Strategies for Environmental Impact Assessment | Development of
legislation/regulations. Design and conduct of research. Chemicals. Testing. Exposure analysis. Classification of products. |
1996 | 117 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Tanzania | Sustaining and Improving Land
and Water Resources in the Iringa Region 7 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. |
1998 | 163 |
Danish EPA | Ukraine | Country Programme for the
Phaseout of Lead in Gasoline 8 months |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Phaseout of Problematic Chemicals. Chemicals. Lead. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 133 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Vietnam | Natural Management and Local
Development in Phu Yen 7 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. |
1998 | 139 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Zambia | Strengthening of the Plant
Inspection and Quarantine Service 4 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Exposure analysis. GLP. |
1998 | 162 |
Danish EPA | Azerbadjan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan |
Lead Phaseout 6 months |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Phaseout of Problematic Chemicals. Chemicals. Lead. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 132 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Erytrea, Kenya, Uganda |
National Plans to Combat
Desertification 1 year |
Development guidance docs.
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory
programmes. Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community participation. Development of national profile. |
1998 | 238 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Africa (19 countries) | Biological Reduction of
Cassava Green Mite 3 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Quality control. Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community
participation. Pesticides. |
1998 | 154 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Asia | Improvement of seed production
in Asia 4 years |
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Education, training, awareness raising. | 1998 | 235 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Central America | Support to CATIE 5 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Education, training, awareness raising. Information generation, gathering, use and
dissemination. Pesticides. |
1998 | 160 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Regional | Support to CGIAR 1 year |
Design and conduct of research. Pesticides. |
1998 | 159 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Southern Africa | Regional assistance 9 years |
Information generation,
gathering, use and dissemination. Plant genetics. |
1998 | 236 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Regional | Weed Reductioon 2 years |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. |
1998 | 155 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Regional | Movie Production for School
Pupils 1 year |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. |
1998 | 156 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Regional | Biological Combat of Vermin 1 year |
Design and conduct of research.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. |
1998 | 157 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Workshop | Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. |
1998 | 158 |
DG I B | Sri Lanka | Integrated Training and Safe
Use of Pesticides 5 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community participation. Strengthening
of Institutional Framework. Pesticides. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1996 (1998) | 74 |
DG I B | Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam |
Integrated Pest Management for
Cotton in Asia 5 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Development of surveys. Creation/mgt.
of databases. Design and conduct of research. Conduct of economic analysis. Education,
training, awareness raising. Encouraging community participatio Pesticides. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1996 (1998) | 75 |
DG VIII / A | ACP countries | Integrated Pest Management | Development guidance docs.
Creation/mgt. of databases. Design and conduct of research. Education, training, awareness
raising. Training. Pesticides. Tendering and procurement of pesticides. pest control. Reduce reliance on hazardous pesticides and promote safer alternatives. |
1996 (1998) | 80 |
DG VIII / A | African and Carribean Regions | Assistance to developing countries in implementing the Basel Convention and in preparing national hazardous waste management plan | Providing technical assistance
and information. Recommending priority actions. Implementing international convention. Waste. Environmentally sound management. |
1996 (1998) | 79 |
DG VIII / A | Eastern, Central, Western and Southern African Regions | Training Project on the
implementation of the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure for the Eastern, Central,
Western and Southern African regions 2 years |
Development guidance docs.
Education, training, awareness raising. Training. Implementation of voluntary programmes.
Assessing chemicals infrastructure. Chemicals. Pesticides. Import/export of substances. |
1996 | 78 |
DGXI / E | Various | Assisting Countries to prepare
national profiles to assess the national infrastructure for the sound management of
chemicals 15 months |
Import/export of substances. Development of national profile. | 1996 | 77 |
DG XI /E/2 | Worldwide | Training Projects in Risk
Assessement 1.5 year |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Creation/mgt. of databases. Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Pesticides. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. Classification of products. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 76 |
FINLAND | |||||
Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Egypt | Quality Control of
Agricultural Products in Egypt 5 years |
Development guidance docs.
Quality control. Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. GLP. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Residue Analysis, Provision of Laboratory Facilities and Training in their use. |
1996 (1998) | 3 |
Advisory Committee on Chemicals | Estonia | Training project in the field
of chemicals control 16 months |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community
participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazardous waste. Testing. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. Pesticide registration. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. Import/export of substances. Risk reduction/mgt. Harmonization of legislation. |
1996 | 94 |
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health | Estonia | Training co-operation in the
field of occupational health and safety Ongoing |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Occupational exposure. Hazard/risk communication. |
1996 (1998) | 93 |
Safety Technology Authority | Latvia | Rules and Regulations on Use
and Storage of Chemicals 1 year |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Hazard/risk assessment. |
1998 | 167 |
Ministry of the Environment | Russia (Republic of Karelia) | Seminar on Environmental
Protection in Agriculture and Forestry and a Study Tour to Finland 5 months |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. |
1998 | 170 |
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health | Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania |
Strategy development and
exchange of experience with regard to systems providing information about which substances
and products are currently on the market and in which sectors they are used 2 years |
Development of
inventories/registers. Education, training, awareness raising. Information generation,
gathering, use and dissemination. Chemicals. Import/export of substances. Inventories, Registers, Chemical statistics. |
1998 | 169 |
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health | Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania |
Information, guidance and
Training with regard to the Implementation of EU Classification and Labelling Requirements 1.5 years |
Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Education, training,
awareness raising. Chemicals. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. |
1998 | 168 |
Advisory Committee on Chemicals | Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland |
Joint Danish/Estonian/
Finnish/ Latvian /Lithuanian/Polish /Swedish workshop on chemicals control co-operation in
the Baltic Sea region 2 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development of inventories/registers. Education, training,
awareness raising. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Hazard/risk communication. Import/export of substances. Risk reduction/mgt. Harmonization of legislation. |
1996 | 95 |
FRANCE | |||||
Caisse Française de Développement | Algeria | Hydrocarbon sea transport. Safety and Quality Certification. | Hydrocarbons sea transport. Toxic chemicals. Impact study. |
1996 | 26 |
Caisse Française de Développement | Cambodia | Integrated peri-urban Development, Siem Reap, related to eight zones representing regional pedological conditions. | Integrated peri-urban
Development. Pesticides. Reasoned use. |
1996 | 4 |
Caisse Française de Développement | Cameroun | Enforcement of European Depolution Measures in the context of the SONARA oil refinery extension project. | Petroleum raffining. Toxic chemicals. Impact study. |
1996 | 25 |
Caisse Française de Développement | Ivory Coast | Integrated Rural Development (Water, soil, irrigation, fodder plants conservation) | Integrated rural Development. Pesticides. Reasoned use. |
1996 | 20 |
Caisse Française de Développement | Ivory Coast | Gold mining from the Angovia Mines Society | Gold mine. Toxic chemicals. Impact study. |
1996 | 24 |
Caisse Française de Développement | Maurice | Help to cultivation diversification, substitution of orchards to rice monoculture, reduction of pesticide use | Culture diversification. Pesticides. Reasoned use. |
1996 | 21 |
Caisse Française de Développement | Tunisia | Integrated Rural Development (Water, soil, irrigation, fodder plants conservation) | Integrated rural Development. Pesticides. Reasoned use. |
1996 | 19 |
Caisse Française de Développement | Vietnam | Help to cultivation diversification, substitution of orchards to rice monoculture, reduction of pesticide use | Culture diversification. Pesticides. Reasoned use. |
1996 | 22 |
Caisse Française de Développement | Zaire | Restarting exploitation of the Kilo Moto gold mines | Gold mine. Toxic chemicals. Impact study. |
1996 | 23 |
CIRAD | Benin, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali |
Development of new protection
programs in West African cotton producing countries 6 years |
Development guidance docs. Design
and conduct of research. Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 171 |
GERMANY | |||||
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Argentina | Environment Protection in
Small and Medium Scale Chemical Industry 5 years |
Development guidance docs.
Development of partnerships with industry. Information generation, gathering, use and
dissemination. Chemicals. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 173 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Argentina | Support of the Faculty of
Chemistry of the Buenos Aires University 10 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 172 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Brazil | Pesticide Control, CATI/IB-
SAA 5 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Import/export of substances. |
1996 | 37 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | China | Quality Control of Pesticides 2 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Import/export of substances. |
1996 | 36 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | El Salvador | Integrated Pest Management 10 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Import/export of substances. |
1996 (1998) | 30 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | India | Adisory service for the
chemical laboratory of the Footwear Design and Development Institute 2 years |
Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control. Chemicals. Testing. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 174 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | India | Industrial Pollution Control 11 years |
Development guidance docs.
Development of partnerships with industry. Advisory service for environmental management
and chemical safety / management in the industry. Industrial emissions. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Input/output analysis (material flow) etc. / Waste minimisation. |
1996 | 27 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Jamaica | Pesticide Control Authority 3 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Import/export of substances. |
1996 | 33 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Mauretania | Disposal of obsolete
pesticides 3 years |
Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control. Pesticides. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1998 | 175 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Mexico | Prevention of air pollution in
Mexico City 7 years |
Development of
inventories/registers. Chemicals. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 176 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Morocco | Environmental Management 8 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development of surveys. Creation/mgt. of databases. Development
of partnerships with industry. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with
legislation or mandatory programmes. GLP. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1996 (1998) | 5 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Thailand | Appropriate Regulatory
Measures and Policy Reform for Pesticide Risk Reduction 3 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development of partnerships with industry. Implementation,
enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality
control. Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging commun Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 178 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Thailand | Transport of dangerous goods 4 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with
legislation or mandatory programmes. Information generation, gathering, use and
dissemination. Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazard/risk communication. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 177 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Yemen | Support for the National Plant
Protection Service 10 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Import/export of substances. |
1996 | 31 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Regional | Environmental Sound Disposal
of Obsolete Pesticides 6 years |
Development guidance docs.
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory
programmes. Quality control. Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Import/export of substances. Risk reduction/mgt. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 179 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Supra-regional | Pilot Project Chemicals
Management 3 years |
Development guidance docs.
Development of partnerships with industry. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and
compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Pesticides. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Import/export of substances. Development of national profile. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 180 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Supra-regional | Pesticide Policy Project 5 years |
Development guidance docs.
Conduct of economic analysis. Pesticides. Life-cycle analysis. |
1998 | 181 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Supra-regional | Pesticide Service Project Ongoing? |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Import/export of substances. Life-cycle analysis. |
1996 | 29 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Supra-regional | Pesticide Disposal Project Ongoing? |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Import/export of substances. |
1996 | 34 |
BMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / GTZ | Supra-regional | "PROKLIMA" -
Substitution of CFCs by natural substances 2 years |
Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases. Development of partnerships with industry. Education, training, awareness raising. Substitution of ozone-depleting substances. | 1996 | 28 |
JAPAN | |||||
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries | China | Safety Use of Pesticides 3 months |
Design and conduct of research. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 40 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries | Philippines | Pesticide Monitoring System
Development Project 5 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory
programmes. Education, training, awareness raising. Information generation, gathering, use
and dissemination. Pesticides. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1996 (1998) | 38 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries | Philippines | Pesticide residue analysis 6 years |
Design and conduct of research. Pesticides. Exposure analysis. |
1996 | 39 |
Environment Agency | Western Pacific Region countries | Co-operation for investigation
on Capability of Monitoring Toxic Substances in Western Pacific Countries 4 years |
Development guidance docs. Chemicals. Exposure analysis. |
1996 (1998) | 83 |
KOREA | |||||
Environmental Management Corporation (Ministry of Environment) | China | Training Program for
Environmental Facilities 2 weeks |
Development of partnerships with
industry. Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Risk reduction/mgt. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 185 |
Food and Medicine Safety Agency | Mongolia | Set-up of Bacteriological and
Toxicological Testing Laboratory for Food Products 2 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Education, training, awareness raising. Offer of Equipment. Chemicals. Testing. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1998 | 183 |
Ocean Research and Development Institute | China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand |
Training Workshops on the
Control of Marine Pollution and Research on Marine Pollutants 1-2 weeks |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Testing. Risk reduction/mgt. Development of national profile. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 182 |
Ocean Research and Development Institute | Asia (5 or 7 developing countries) | Training for Survey, measure,
and technology of marine pollution 2-3 weeks |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Pesticides. Testing. Risk reduction/mgt. Development of national profile. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 184 |
Ministry of Development Cooperation | Antigua, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Chile, India, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Zimbabwe |
National Profile to Assess
National Infrastructure for Management of Chemicals 2 years |
Information generation,
gathering, use and dissemination. Chemicals. Pesticides. Development of national profile. |
1998 | 122 |
Ministry of Development Cooperation | Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Chile, Indonesia, India, Kenya, Pakistan, Paraguay, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda Uruguay, Zambia, Zimbabwe |
National Training Activities
for Developing Countries on Toxic Chemicals, Environment and Health 3.5 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. |
1998 | 121 |
Ministry of Development Cooperation | Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal |
Implementation of the FAO Code
of Conduct 3 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Classification of products. Import/export of substances. |
1998 | 189 |
Ministry of Development Cooperation | Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam |
Inter-Country Program for the
Development and Application of Integrated Pest Management in Vegetables 4 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. Integrated Pest Management. |
1998 | 192 |
Ministry of Development Cooperation | China, Madagascar, Senegal, Thailand, Trinidad, Vietnam, Zimbabwe |
Integrated Pest Management
Facility 5 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. Integrated Pest Management. |
1998 | 193 |
Royal Dutch Embassy of Dar El Salaam | Tanzania, Zanzibar |
Assistance to environment
management Zanzibar and Tanzania mainland 2 years |
Development of
inventories/registers. Chemicals. Pesticides. Disposal of Chemical Waste. |
1998 | 186 |
Ministry of Development Cooperation | Africa (22 countries) | Disposal of Unwanted
Pesticides Stocks in Africa (phase 2) 3 years |
Development of
inventories/registers. Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides. |
1998 | 190 |
Ministry of Development Cooperation | South-East Asia | Pesticides Action Network | Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. Development infrastructure. |
1998 | 191 |
Ministry of Development Cooperation | Various countries | International Implementation (PIC) | Development of
legislation/regulations. Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Import/export of substances. |
1998 | 188 |
Ministry of Development Cooperation | Core Support Pesticides Trust 3 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. |
1998 | 187 |
NORWAY | |||||
NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation | Nicaragua | Safe and rational use of
pesticide 5 years |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 44 |
NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation | Sri Lanka | Awareness of Chemicals 1 year (?) |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Pesticides. Occupational exposure. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 42 |
Royal Norwegian Embassy | Vietnam | Integrated Pest Management
Research and Extension for Vegetables and Fruits 3 years |
Development guidance docs. Design
and conduct of research. Education, training, awareness raising. Information generation,
gathering, use and dissemination. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 198 |
NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation | Zimbabwe | Training in Permaculture and
Research in Natural Pest Control 7 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. Occupational exposure. |
1996 (1998) | 46 |
NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation | Zimbabwe | Sustainable Land-Use
Management Ongoing? |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 45 |
NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation | Laos, Nepal, Vietnam, and Regional |
The Intercountry Programme for
the Development and Application of Integrated Pest Control in Rice in South and South-East
Asia, Phase IV 5 years |
Development guidance docs. Design
and conduct of research. Development of inventories/registers. Education, training,
awareness raising. Information generation, gathering, use and dissemination. Assistance to
national policy-makers. Pesticides. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk communication. IPM-Activities in the field. |
1998 | 197 |
NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation | Central America | CATIE / Integrated Pest
Management, Phase III 5 years |
Development guidance docs.
Creation/mgt. of databases. Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community
participation. National strategy. Pesticides. |
1996 (1998) | 43 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | West & North-West Africa | Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES). Improving Pesticide Application Techniques for Desert Locust Control | Development guidance docs. Design
and conduct of research. Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. |
1998 | 195 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Developing Countries | Environmentally Sound
Management of Toxic Chemicals in Developing Countries 2 years |
Development of
inventories/registers. Education, training, awareness raising. establishing coordination
mechanisms at national level. Chemicals. Pesticides. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1996 | 7 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Global | Global Integrated Pest Management Facility | Development guidance docs. Design
and conduct of research. Education, training, awareness raising. Information generation,
gathering, use and dissemination. Pesticides. |
1998 | 196 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Global | Environmentally Soound
Management of Toxic Chemicals in Developing Countries (Phase III) 2 years |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Education, training, awareness raising. Information generation, gathering, use and
dissemination. Chemicals. Pesticides. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1998 | 194 |
PORTUGAL | |||||
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries | Angola | No specific project therefore no specific title. Some technical support is given following a bilateral agreement between Ministries of Agriculture from both countries. | Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Pesticides. |
1996 | 71 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries | Cabo Verde | No specific project therefore no specific title. Some technical support is given following a bilateral agreement between Ministries of Agriculture from both countries. | Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Pesticides. |
1996 | 72 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries | Guinea - Bissau | No specific project therefore no specific title. Some technical support is given following a bilateral agreement between Ministries of Agriculture from both countries. | Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Pesticides. |
1996 | 70 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries | Mozambique | No specific project therefore no specific title. Some technical support is given following a bilateral agreement between Ministries of Agriculture from both countries. | Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Pesticides. |
1996 | 73 |
SWEDEN | |||||
SIDA (Swedish International Develop. Authority) | Costa Rica | Epidemiological monitoring of
pesticide related health effects 4 years |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Design and conduct of research. Development of inventories/registers. Education, training,
awareness raising. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. Occupational exposure. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 48 |
National Chemicals Inspectorate | Latvia | Chemical products registration 5 months |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of inventories/registers. Chemicals. Import/export of substances. Life-cycle analysis. |
1996 | 50 |
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency | Latvia | Swedish/Latvian Chemicals
Control Cooperation 1 year |
Development guidance docs.
Creation/mgt. of databases. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with
legislation or mandatory programmes. Development of inventories/registers. Education,
training, awareness raising. Information generation, g Chemicals. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. Development of national profile. |
1998 | 199 |
National Chemicals Inspectorate | Lithuania | Pesticide registration and
proper use of agricultural pesticides 4 months |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Two workshops. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 51 |
National Chemicals Inspectorate | Lithuania | Chemical Control legislation
and legal support 4 months |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Customs procedures. Chemicals. |
1996 | 57 |
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency | Lithuania | Swedish/Lithuanian Chemicals
Control Cooperation 1 year |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases.
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory
programmes. Development of inventories/registers. Education, training, awar Chemicals. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. |
1998 | 200 |
National Chemicals Inspectorate | Poland | Sound Management of Chemicals 1 year |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Creation/mgt. of databases. Development of partnerships with
industry. Workshop. Chemicals. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 52 |
National Chemicals Inspectorate | Tanzania | Environmentally Sound
Management of Toxic Chemicals 5 months |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of inventories/registers. Workshop on general chemicals control topics. Chemicals. Pesticides. Import/export of substances. Life-cycle analysis. |
1996 | 53 |
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency | Vietnam | Strenghtening of the
Environmental Management Authority in Vietnam 9 months |
Development of partnerships with
industry. Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Classification of products. Import/export of substances. Risk reduction/mgt. Life-cycle analysis. |
1996 (1998) | 54 |
National Chemicals Inspectorate | Zambia | KEMI / SIDA Programme for
Environmentally Sound Management of Toxic Chemicals in Zambia 2 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of inventories/registers. Education, training, awareness raising. Conducting
Workshop in collaboration with IPCS. Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. Pesticide registration. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. Import/export of substances. Life-cycle analysis. |
1996 (1998) | 55 |
National Chemicals Inspectorate | Angola, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Botswana, Cambodia, Erithrea, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, India, Kenya, Laos, Mozambique, Namibia, Nicaragua, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Viet-Nam, Zambia, Zimbabwe |
KEMI / SIDA Information
Packages 2 years |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of inventories/registers. Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. Classification of products. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 56 |
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency | Estonia, Latvia, Lithania |
Swedish/Finnish Regional
Chemicals Control Cooperation with the Baltic Republics 1 year |
Development guidance docs.
Creation/mgt. of databases. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with
legislation or mandatory programmes. Development of inventories/registers. Education,
training, awareness raising. Information generation, g Chemicals. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. |
1998 | 123 |
National Chemicals Inspectorate | Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland |
Chemical control co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region | Policy discussions on chemicals
control co-operation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazardous waste. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 49 |
SIDA (Swedish International Develop. Authority) | Global | The Global Environmental
Epidemiology Network, GEENET 2 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Education, training, awareness raising. Network of Individuals, epidemiologists. Hazard/risk assessment. Hazard/risk communication. |
1996 | 9 |
SIDA (Swedish International Develop. Authority) | Selected Developing Countries | Environmental Sound Management
of toxic chemicals 3 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases. Education,
training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk communication. |
1996 | 47 |
Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs | Chile | Risk Management and Industrial Investment Protection in Chile | Development of partnerships with
industry. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. Risk reduction/mgt. Life-cycle analysis. |
1996 | 89 |
Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs | Colombia | Risk Management and Industrial
Investment Protection in Colombia 3 years |
Development of partnerships with
industry. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. Risk reduction/mgt. Life-cycle analysis. |
1996 (1998) | 87 |
Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape | Czech Republic | Pollutant Release and Transfer
Registers (PRTRs) Workshop in Prague 3 days |
Development of
inventories/registers. Chemicals. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1996 | 84 |
Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC) | Ecuador | Management of toxic chemicals
and waste 5.5 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Development of surveys. Development of
partnerships with industry. Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Toxic waste. Hazard/risk assessment. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 90 |
Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation(SDC)/GTZ |
Madagascar | Control Laboratory for
Pesticides 5 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control.
Education, training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. Import/export of substances. |
1996 | 32 |
Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC) | Madagascar | Reduce the environmental
impact of toxic substances through selection of scientific data, training, improved
legislation and promotion of local initiatives 4 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Development of surveys. Creation/mgt.
of databases. Development of partnerships with industry. Design and conduct of research.
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with l Pesticides. Testing. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. Pesticide registration. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Classification of products. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 92 |
Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape | Slovenia | Co-operation in the field of
Good Laboratory Practice 3 years |
Quality control. Education,
training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Pesticides. Pharmaceuticals. GLP. |
1996 (1998) | 85 |
Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC) | Regional - Central Eastern Europe | Sub-regional Workshops on
National Information Systems on Chemicals 6 months |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory
programmes. Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Hazard/risk assessment. Classification of products. Import/export of substances. |
1996 | 86 |
Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC) | Global | Pilot Programme to Assist
Three Developing Countries in Implementing Countries National Action Programmes for
Integrated Chemicals Management 3 years |
Development of national profile. | 1996 (1998) | 91 |
Overseas Development Administration | Kenya | Disposal and re-use of
pesticides and their containers 4 years |
Design and conduct of research. Pesticides. Testing. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1996 | 61 |
Overseas Development Administration | Kenya | Pesticide Residue Analysis 6 years |
Quality control. Education,
training, awareness raising. Develop analysis methods. Pesticides. GLP. |
1996 | 60 |
Overseas Development Administration | Kenya | Monitoring pesticide
application 5 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Quality control. Pesticides. |
1996 | 68 |
Overseas Development Administration | Kenya | Improving pest management in
horticultural crops grown by smallholder farmers in Kenya 2 years |
Quality control. Pesticides. Testing. GLP. |
1996 | 67 |
Overseas Development Administration | Morocco | Morocco : Pesticide Residue
Analysis in Crops 5 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Design and conduct of research. Residue Analysis. Pesticides. Testing. Exposure analysis. |
1996 | 59 |
Overseas Development Administration | Morocco | Advisory visit to Morocco to
evaluate pesticide usage practices with particular reference to residue measurement 11 days |
Development guidance docs.
Development of surveys. Pesticides. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1996 | 58 |
Overseas Development Administration | Nigeria | Assistance to Federal Environmental Protection Agency | Development of
legislation/regulations. Environmental protection. Institutional dev./environmental assessment. |
1996 | 65 |
Health and Safety Executive | Poland | Assistance on Transposing EU
Chemical Safety Directives to Polish Legislation 2 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Classification of products. |
1998 | 201 |
Health and Safety Executive | Poland | UK Approach to Auditing Operators in Chemical Industry | Education, training, awareness
raising. Chemicals. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. |
1998 | 202 |
Overseas Development Administration | Philippines, Senegal, Zimbabwe |
Methods and Techniques for
Environmental impact assessments of agrochemicals in the tropics 8 years |
Design and conduct of research.
Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Environmental Impact Assessment. |
1996 | 69 |
Overseas Development Administration | Africa | Comparative toxicology of
pesticide formulations to aquatic fauna 3 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. Exposure analysis. |
1996 | 64 |
Overseas Development Administration | Africa ; Global | Environmental database,
ENVIRON, information and advice on side-effects of agrochemicals in the tropics 7 years |
Creation/mgt. of databases.
Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Hazard/risk communication. |
1996 | 63 |
Overseas Development Administration | Occupational disorders in
tropical agriculture (literature review) 4 years |
Literature review. Pesticides. Occupational exposure. |
1996 | 66 |
Overseas Development Administration | Ergonomic intervention to reduce pesticide poisoning | Design and conduct of research. Pesticides. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 62 |
U.S. EPA | Argentina | Training Course on Motor Vehicle Air Pollution (Control and Lead phase-out in Gasoline) | Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of partnerships with industry. Design and conduct of research. Implementation,
enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory Chemicals. Lead. Testing. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. Occupational exposure. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Hazard/risk communication. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 110 |
U.S. EPA | Egypt | Mobile Source Air Pollution Control Measure recommendations for Cairo | Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Implementation, enforcement,
monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control.
Education, training, awareness raising. Encouraging community participatio Chemicals. Lead. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 101 |
U.S. EPA | Hungary | Training Course on Motor
Vehicle Air Pollution (Control and Lead phase-out in Gasoline) Ongoing |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of partnerships with industry. Design and conduct of research. Implementation,
enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory Chemicals. Lead. Testing. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. GLP. Occupational exposure. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Hazard/risk communication. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 100 |
U.S. EPA | Indonesia | Pesticide Regulatory
Development Project 2 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases. Education,
training, awareness raising. Pesticides. Pesticide registration. |
1996 | 108 |
U.S. EPA | Mexico | Registro de Emisiones y
Transferencias de Contaminantes (RETC) Ongoing |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Development of partnerships with
industry. Development of inventories/registers. Education, training, awareness raising.
Encouraging community participation. Chemicals. Pesticides. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. |
1996 (1998) | 99 |
U.S. EPA | Mexico | National Metals Assessment
Strategy 2 years |
Development guidance docs. Chemicals. Testing. Exposure analysis. GLP. Occupational exposure. |
1996 (1998) | 98 |
U.S. EPA | Russian Federation | Training Course on Motor
Vehicle Air Pollution (Control and Lead phase-out in Gasoline) Ongoing |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of partnerships with industry. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and
compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Conduct of economic Chemicals. Lead. Occupational exposure. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Hazard/risk communication. Risk reduction/mgt. Development of national profile. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 102 |
U.S. EPA | Slovak Republic | Pollutant Release and Transfer
Register (PRTR) 1 year |
Development of inventories/registers. Encouraging community participation. Information generation, gathering, use and dissemination. | 1998 | 207 |
U.S. EPA | Ukraine | US AID Pest and Pesticide
Management Project in Ukraine 3 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Creation/mgt. of databases. Development of partnerships with
industry. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or
mandatory programmes. Quality control. Education, training, awareness Pesticides. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. Pesticide registration. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. Import/export of substances. Risk reduction/mgt. Polluti |
1998 | 203 |
U.S. EPA | Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago |
Regional Workshop for the
Phaseout of Lead in Gasoline 7-8 months |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development of partnerships with industry. Implementation,
enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes.
Development of inventories/registers. Education, training, awareness raisin Lead. Hazard/risk assessment. Risk reduction/mgt. Development of national profile. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 206 |
U.S. EPA | Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia |
Lead Risk Reduction Project On going |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of partnerships with industry. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and
compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Development of inven Lead. Hazard/risk assessment. Risk reduction/mgt. Development of national profile. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1998 | 205 |
USAID / ENRIC | Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Hungary, Jordan, Morocco, Poland, Slovakia, Tunisia, West Bank and Gaza Strip |
Project in Development and the
Environment (PRIDE) ( years |
Development guidance docs.
Creation/mgt. of databases. Development of partnerships with industry. Implementation,
enforcement, monitoring and compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Conduct
of economic analysis. Quality control. Education, tr Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 | 103 |
USAID / ENRIC | Guatemala, Jamaica, Mali, Philippines |
Integrated Pest Management
Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) ( years |
Development of partnerships with
industry. Design and conduct of research. Education, training, awareness raising.
Encouraging community participation. Pesticides. Exposure analysis. Hazard/risk assessment. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 106 |
USAID / ENRIC | Hungary, Romania, Slovakia |
Transboundary Pollution
Reduction in Three Danube Tributary Basins ( years |
Quality control. Chemicals. Pesticides. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Chemical emergency preparedness and response. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 105 |
USAID / ENRIC | Asia and Pacific (35 nations and territories) | U.S. - Asia Environmental
Partnership (AEP) ( years |
Development guidance docs.
Creation/mgt. of databases. Development of partnerships with industry. Conduct of economic
analysis. Quality control. Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Hazard/risk communication. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 104 |
U.S. EPA | Central America | Central American Regional
Environmental Technical Assistance Program 4 years |
Development of
legislation/regulations. Development guidance docs. Creation/mgt. of databases.
Development of partnerships with industry. Implementation, enforcement, monitoring and
compliance with legislation or mandatory programmes. Quality control. Enc Chemicals. Pesticides. Hazard/risk assessment. Pesticide registration. Occupational exposure. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Classification of products. Hazard/risk communication. Import/export of substances. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 97 |
U.S. EPA & USAID | Central America | US AID / EPA Central American
Project 5 years |
Education, training, awareness
raising. Pesticides. Import/export of substances. Risk reduction/mgt. Pollution prevention, waste min. and industrial env. mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 109 |
USAID / ENRIC | Global | Environmental Pollution
Prevention Project (EP3) ( years |
Development of partnerships with
industry. Quality control. Education, training, awareness raising. Chemicals. Hazard/risk assessment. Safe production, use, control of emissions and disposal of toxic substances. Risk reduction/mgt. |
1996 (1998) | 107 |