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United Nations Environment Programme
Second session
Nairobi, 25-29 January 1999
Note by the secretariat
1. In paragraph 2 of its decision 19/13 C of 7 February 1997, the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) decided that immediate international action should be initiated to protect human health and the environment through measures which would reduce and/or eliminate the emissions and discharges of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and, in paragraph 4 of that decision, recognized that the international action should incorporate such practical measures as the expeditious development of a global, legally binding instrument. In response to that mandate, UNEP has initiated a number of activities dealing with POPs. There are also numerous activities undertaken by Governments and organizations at the national, regional and international levels. It has become clear that there is a need to coordinate work being done to eliminate emissions and discharges of POPs in order to help ensure effective and efficient use of resources. To facilitate such coordination, UNEP will develop a master list of activities that address POPs and their releases.
A. Objective
2. UNEP will develop the master list of activities aimed at reducing and/or eliminating releases of POPs, in order to help avoid duplication of efforts and to ensure the efficient use of resources. The list should facilitate coordination and cooperation between and among activities at the national, regional and international levels in countries and organizations. This document will become an evolving list of relevant POPs actions, including those already taken, being conducted, or planned. With the active participation of all countries and organizations, the master list can become a dynamic tool for ensuring coordinated and complementary actions on POPs.
B. Plans for data collection and distribution
3. UNEP has already initiated the collection of information on POPs-related activities and action plans at the national, regional and international levels, through letters and questionnaires addressed to Governments and organizations. Regular requests for further and more up-to-date information will be sent between every session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee, in order to produce an up-to-date master list prior to each session of the Committee. Based on the information collected to date, a first preliminary listing of titles of potentially relevant activities from international and regional organizations and Governments is contained in annex 1. The master list will shortly be further elaborated and developed into a comprehensive tool, using a format similar to the one included in annex 2.
4. The master list will be distributed in advance of future sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee and will also be available at the UNEP Chemicals homepage on the internet, at the following site:
5. With a view to ensuring effective coordination and cooperation between activities, it is important that all countries and organizations participate fully in the process, both with regard to contributing information and to making use of it for achieving effective and complementary actions.
Annex 1
Preliminary listing of information collected by 1 January 1999 from International and Regional Organizations and Governments on activities and action plans aimed at reducing/eliminating releases of POPs
Organization | Title |
UNEP | A. Activities mandated by the Governing Council Decision 19/13C on International action to protect human health and the environment through measures which will Reduce and/or eliminate emissions and discharges of persistent organic pollutants, including
- Network of POPs Focal Points - Information Clearinghouse on POPs with Internet POPs Homepage - Inventory of Information Sources on POPs - Database with country-specific information on POPs received through questionnaires and other sources - Characterization of the global exposure situation - Report on national and international control actions on POPs
- Database on available alternatives for existing POPs uses with links to expertise - Collection of action plans and studies to replace / reduce releases of POPs - Guide on the selection of replacements for POPs - Training modules on decision making on the replacement and in release reductions of POPs
- Inventory of available PCB destruction facilities and their capacities - Simple guidelines on how to identify PCBs
- Inventory of information on identified sources of D/F releases - Regional/Subregional Workshops on the identification of D/F - Compendium of guidance materials on management of D/F
B. Preparation and implementation of GEF funded projects, including
FAO/UNEP | Identification and disposal of obsolete stock of pesticides and other chemicals |
UNITAR | Preparation of a Thought Starter on Developing a National Action Plan for Addressing POPs: No5 in the Pilot Series of Thought Starters in Support of National Capacity Building Initiatives for the Sound Management of Chemicals |
II. Organizations - Regional level
Organization | Title |
UNEP | Mediterranean Action Plan, 1975 - Land-Based Sources Protocol - Barcelona Convention, 1976 - The LBS Protocol, 1996 Strategic Action Programme to Address Pollution from Landbased Activities (SAP); Adopted by the Barcelona Convention in Tunis,1997 Strengthening National Chemicals Management in countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States Reducing Pesticide Runoff to the Caribbean Sea (GEF Project) GEF PDF-B/WIO, Preparation of Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) and related Strategic Action Programme Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based activities in the Eastern African Region (regional) component of the Programme of Action |
UN-ECE | Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, 1979 Trade Division, Chemical Industry Programme: Pilot Project Demonstrating the Environmental Clean-up of Selected Sites Polluted by Chemicals (Central and Eastern Europe) Seminar on POPs, Plan of Action on POPs reducing and elimination in the Russian Federation |
CEC (NAFTA) | North American Regional Action Plan on DDT, Chlordane, and PCB Regional Action Plans 1997, under the Sound Management of Chemicals Project, December 1996 |
OSPAR | The 1992 OSPAR Convention, 1998: OSPAR Strategy with the regard to Hazardous Substances, 1999 |
WHO (EURO, ECEH) and WHO / IPCS | Assessment of Exposure to Dioxins and PCBs |
CountriesCountry | Title |
Armenia |
Australia |
Austria |
Belgium |
Benin |
Brazil |
Bulgaria |
Canada |
Chile |
China |
Colombia |
Commonwealth of Dominica |
Costa Rica |
Cote d'Ivoire |
Croatia |
Cyprus |
Czech Republic |
Denmark |
Ethiopia |
Fiji Islands |
Finland |
Germany |
Greece |
Guinea |
Ireland |
Italy |
Japan |
Korea |
Kuwait |
Laos People Democratic Republic |
Latvia |
Lebanon |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
Madagascar |
Malaysia |
Mauritius |
Mexico |
Mongolia |
the Netherlands |
New Zealand |
Nicaragua |
Niger |
Norway |
Paraguay |
Republic of Kiribati |
Republic of Korea |
Republic of Macedonia |
Romania |
The Russian Federation |
Rwanda |
Saint Kitts & Nevis |
Seychelles |
Singapore |
Slovak Republic |
Slovenia |
South Africa |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Syria |
Thailand |
The Gambia |
Togo |
United Kingdom |
Republic of Uzbekistan |
Venezuela |
Vietnam |
Western Samoa |
Annex 2
Proposed Format for Project Descriptions for the Master List of Activities Contributing to the International Efforts to Reduce and/or Eliminate Releases of POPs
Title of Main Project: ........................................................................................
Responsible Organization(s): ...........................................................................
Partner(s): ........................................................................................................
Field: (e.g., Public Health; Occupational Health; Environmental Protection; Consumer Protection): .....................................................................................
Substances covered: ................................................................... .
Time frame: ...........................................................................................................................
Geographical coverage:
Specific Activities of Relevance for the Reduction of POPs Releases:
Specific Substances:.......................................................................... ...
Specific Project name: .................................................................................................................... ..
Time frame: ...........................................................................................................................
Description: .......................................................................................................
Output: .........................................................................................................