Documents de la réunion - 4ème session

Documents de la réunion

UNEP/POPS/INC.4/1 - Ordre du jour provisoire pdf.gif (145 bytes) wp.gif (990 bytes)

UNEP/POPS/INC.4/2 - Rapport sur les travaux intersessions demande par le comite "Meilleures techniques disponibles" et notions y afférentes pdf.gif (145 bytes) wp.gif (990 bytes)

UNEP/POPS/INC.4/3 - Conclusions des travaux du Bureau du Groupe d'étude de la mise en oeuvre lors de sa réunion les 8 et 9 novembre 1999 à Genève.  Note de la Présidence du Groupe d'étude de la mise en oeuvre pdf.gif (145 bytes) wp.gif (990 bytes)

UNEP/POPS/INC.4/4 - Analyse des expressions "contaminant de minimis", "élément constitutif d'articles" et "intermédiaire en système clos" pdf.gif (145 bytes) wp.gif (990 bytes)

– Rapport du comite de negociation intergouvernemental charge d'elaborer un instrument international juridiquement contraignant aux fins de l'application de mesures internationales a certains polluants organiques persistants sur les travaux de sa quatrieme session; Bonn, 20-25 Mars 2000 pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)

Documents d' information

UNEP/POPS/INC.4/ INF/1 –   Scénario pour la quatrième session du comité de négociation intergouvernemental pdf.gif (145 bytes) wp.gif (990 bytes)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/ INF/2 – Information received from Governtments regarding possible specific exemptions from the prohibition or elimination  of the production or use of the 10 intentionally produced POPs -- in table format pdf.gif (145 bytes) wp.gif (990 bytes) and corrigendum pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/INF/3 - Information received from Governments regarding possible specific exemptions from the prohibition or elimination of the production or use of the 10 intentionally produced persistent organic pollutants – text of response pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)and addendum pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)(attachments available in hardcopy only, please contact UNEP/Chemicals)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/INF/4 - Clearing-house mechanisms for technical and financial assistance and capacity building networks for chemicals management pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/INF/5 - Master list of actions on the reduction and/or elimination of the releases of persistent organic pollutants:
Cover page - pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes);
Annex - pdf.gif (145 bytes)(1,113KB) word.gif (913 bytes)(3,099KB);
winzip.gif (295 bytes)(625KB - zipped version)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/INF/6 - Schedule and financial needs for the completion of the negotiations for an international legally binding instrument for implementing international action on certain persistent organic pollutants pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/INF/7 - Related work on persistent organic pollutants under the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/INF/8 - Related work on persistent organic pollutants under the International Maritime Organization pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/INF/9 - Information document on the World Health Organization’s action plan for the reduction of reliance on DDT use for public health purposes pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/INF/10 - List of documents available at the session pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)

*UNEP/POPS/INC.4/INF/11 - List of delegations pdf.gif (145 bytes) word.gif (913 bytes)

*available in English only