INC-7 follow-up:
its seventh meeting held in Geneva from 14 to 18 July 2003, the
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee took a number of decisions
requiring follow-up. As
the relevant requests for information and other documents are issued,
they will be posted on this webpage:
- Draft DDT reporting format and information collection questionnaire
- Letter requesting countries to
complete format/questionnaire
- Instructions on completing
- Draft format/questionnaire
- Letter requesting
comments on the revised draft guidance to the Financial Mechanism
- Letter
- Revised draft

- Comments received on
initial draft guidance
- Letter requesting
comments from Governments on an initial draft model budget for the
Stockholm Convention (decision INC-7/1)
- Request for
information from Governments on areas and issues relating to technical
assistance requirements identified when their developing national
implementation plans

- Development of a revised and annotated version of the draft terms of
reference for the POPs Review Committee
- Letter requesting
- Current revised/annotated
- Arabic
- Chinese
- English
- French
- Russian
- Spanish
- Request for comments on Feasibility Study on
regional and sub-regional centres

- Preparation of a revised version of interim guidance for preparing
national implementation plans (decision INC-7/7)
- Preparation of draft guidance to the financial mechanism (Decision
INC-7/9, paragraph 4)

- Request for comments on elements of the terms of reference for the
review of the financial mechanism (Decision INC-7/9, paragraphs 5-7)
and on draft memorandum of understanding between the Stockholm
Convention COP and GEF Council (Decision INC-7/10)
- Invitation to Governments to submit comments on the Toolkit of 4
December 2003