Step 1.
Propose a new chemical
Any party may submit a proposal to the Secretariat for listing a new chemical
including information specified in Annex D. The Secretariat forwards the
proposal to the POPRC.
Step 2. Apply
screening criteria
The POPRC examines the proposal and
applies the screening criteria in Annex D
Step 3.
Develop a risk profile
If the POPRC decides that the screening criteria have been fulfilled, the
Secretariat invites all Parties and observers to provide technical comments and
information specified in Annex E. The POPRC develops a risk profile
based on the information.
Step 4.
Develop a risk management evaluation
If the POPRC decides on the basis of the risk profile that the proposal shall
proceed, the Secretariat invites all Parties and observers to provide technical
comments and socio-economic information specified in Annex F. The POPRC
develops a risk management evaluation based on the information.
Step 5. List
the chemical in Annex A, B, and/or C
The Conference of the Parties decides whether to list the chemical and specifies
its related control measures in Annex A, B, and/or C. |