Information requests for Parties and observers
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Invitation for submission of comments on draft documents of Risk Management Evaluation and Risk Profile (deadline: 18 May 2008)
Information for risk profile (deadline: 5 February 2008)
Information for risk management evaluation (deadline: 5 February 2008)
Issues to be raised at COP-4 concerning the POPRC's recommendations (deadline: 30 June 2008 for five chemicals, 30 April for PFOS additional information)
Information for the consideration of endosulfan
The Committee noted that the information required for the consideration of endosulfan had not been available to it and therefore it agreed to suspend consideration of endosulfan at the third meeting and to resume it at its fourth meeting. Parties and observers are invited to provide to the Secretariat (ssc@pops.int) any additional information for the consideration by 30 June 2008 for discussion at POPRC-4 .
Arabic |
Chinese |
English |
French |
Russian |
Spanish |
Endosulfan |
Proposal by
EU |
Additional information |
Submission of new proposals
In accordance with Article 8 paragraph 1 of the Convention, any Party may submit a proposal to the Secretariat for listing a chemical in Annexes A, B and/or C. The proposal shall contain the information specified in Annex D. In developing a proposal, a Party may be assisted by other Parites and/or by the Secretariat.
The deadline for submission of a new proposal to be considered at the fourth meeting of the POPRC is 20 June 2008. The proposal shall be submitted preferably by e-mail with electronic file attachments to: ssc@pops.int (Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention).
View Submissions
