Ad hoc intersessional working groups
Draft risk profiles and draft risk management evaluations are prepared during intersessional period by ad hoc working groups established during POPRC meetings.
Composition of working groups
At POPRC-3, the Committee established following ad hoc working groups to carry forward the necessary work on the chemicals under consideration during the intersessional period of 2007-2008. (see also: List of working group members)
Working Group on
• OctaBDE (Octabromodipheyl Ether Risk Management Evaluation)
• PeCB (Pentachlorobenzene Risk Management Evaluation
• SCCPs (Short-Chained Chlorinated Paraffins Risk Profile and Risk Management Evaluation)
• Alpha-HCH and Beta-HCH (Alpha-HCH and Beta-HCH Risk Management Evaluation)
• Effective Participation
Workplan (2007-2008)
The workplan for the preparation of a draft risk profile and draft risk management evaluations during the intersessional period of 2007-2008 is shown in the table below. The working groups will follow the workplan and prepare drafts for the fourth meeting of the POPRC which will be held from 13 to 17 October 2008 in Geneva.
5 February 2008 |
Deadline for Parties and observers to submit Annex E and Annex F information to the Secretariat. |
4 March 2008 |
Deadline for Chairs and drafters to complete the first draft. Circulate the first draft to working group members for comments. |
25 March 2008 |
Deadline for working group members to provide comments on the first draft to the Chairs and drafters. |
8 April 2008 |
Deadline for Chairs and drafters to complete the second draft. Secretariat distributes the second draft to Parties and observers for comments. |
16 May 2008 |
Deadline for Parties and observers to provide comments to the Secretariat. |
3 June 2008 |
Deadline for Chairs and drafters to complete the third draft . Circulate the third draft to working group members for comments. |
17 June 2008 |
Deadline for working group members to provide comments on the third draft to the Chairs and drafters. |
1 July 2008 |
Deadline for Chairs and drafters to complete the final draft. The draft will be made available online in six UN official languages. |
 Risk Profile Outline
 Draft Risk Profile Template
 Risk Management Evaluation Outline
 Draft Risk Management Evaluation Template