Chemicals in review process
This page contains chemicals proposed for listing in Annex A, B, and/or C. Any Party can submit proposals with information specified in Annex D. When the proposal fulfills the criteria, the Committee develops a risk profile based on Annex E. If the Committee decides based on the risk profile that the proposal should proceed, it then develops a risk management evaluation based on the socio-economic information specified in Annex F. Finally, on the basis of the risk profile and risk management evaluation, the Committee may make recommendations to the COP for the listing of the chemicals.
Chemicals with completed risk management evaluations
At POPRC-3, the Committee adopted the risk management evaluations for the following chemicals. The Committee decided to recommend to the COP that it consider listing chlordecone, hexabromobiphenyl, lindane, and pentabromodiphenyl ether in Annex A of the Convention.
in report |
Arabic |
Chinese |
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Pentabromodiphenyl ether |
Proposal by Norway |
Annex D: Screening |
Annex E: Risk profile |
Annex F: Risk management evaluation |
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Chlordecone |
Proposal by EU |
Annex D: Screening |
Annex E: Risk profile (revised) |
Annex F: Risk management evaluation |
Hexabromobiphenyl |
Proposal by
EU |
Annex D: Screening |
Annex E: Risk profile |
Annex F: Risk management evaluation |
Lindane |
Proposal by
Mexico |
Annex D: Screening |
Annex E: Risk profile |
Annex F: Risk management evaluation |
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The Committee adopted the risk management evaluation for PFOS and decided to recommend to the COP that it consider lisitng PFOS acid, its salt, and PFOS fluoride in Annex A or B of the Convention and specifying the related control measures. The Committee invites Parties and observers to submit to the Secretariat any additional information specified in Annex F and, in particular, information on manufacturing (current and estimated), other uses and alternatives before 5 February 2008. (see Information requests)
in report |
Arabic |
Chinese |
English |
French |
Russian |
Spanish |
Proposal by Sweden |
Additional information |
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Annex D: Screening |
Annex E: Risk profile |
Annex F: Risk management evaluation |
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Chemicals with completed risk profiles
The Committee adopted the risk profiles for the following chemicals and decided that the chemicals are likely, as a result of their long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and/or environmental effects such that global action is warranted. The Committee decided to establish ad hoc working groups to prepare risk management evaluations and invite Parties and observers to submit to the Secretariat the information specified in Annex F before 5 February 2008. (see Information requests)
in report |
Arabic |
Chinese |
English |
French |
Russian |
Spanish |
octabromodiphenyl ether |
Proposal by EU |
Annex D: Screening* |
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Annex E: Risk profile |
Pentachlorobenzene |
Proposal by EU |
Annex D: Screening* |
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Annex E: Risk profile |
Alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane |
Proposal by Mexico
Annex D: Screening* |
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Annex E: Risk profile |
Beta-hexachlorocyclohexane |
Proposal by Mexico
Annex D: Screening* |
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Annex E: Risk profile |
*Annex D: Screening results in languages are included in the meeting report of the POPRC-1.
Chemical in preparation of a risk profile
The Committee examined the draft risk profiles and considered that the information available was insufficient to support a decision on the risk profile. Therefore, the Committee agreed to defer its final decision to the fourth meeting and invited Parties and observers to submit to the Secretariat additional information specified in Annex E of the Convention before 5 February 2008. (see Information requests)
in report |
Arabic |
Chinese |
English |
French |
Russian |
Spanish |
Short-chained chlorinated paraffins |
Proposal by
EU |
Annex D: Screening |
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Annex E: Draft risk profile (revised at POPRC-3) |
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Newly proposed chemical
The Committee considered the proposal submitted by EU for listing endosulfan in Annexes A, B, or C of the Convention. The Committee noted that vital information required for the consideration of endosulfan had not been available to it and therefore the Committee agreed to suspend consideration of the chemical at the third meeting and to resume it at its fourth meeting.
in report |
Arabic |
Chinese |
English |
French |
Russian |
Spanish |
Endosulfan |
Proposal by
EU |
Additional information |
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in report
