Technical assistance

Article 12 of the Stockholm Convention, is providing mandate for the technical assistance under the Convention. According to Article 12, timely and appropriate technical assistance in response to requests from developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition is essential to the successful implementation of the Convention.

Workshops, trainings and webinars

Online briefings on the updated draft guidance on the identification and management of sites contaminated by POPs
Online, 16 July 2024


The Secretariat is assisting Parties in implementation of their commitment to minimize releases of POPs listed under Annexes A, B and C in cooperation with the following key partners:

  • Parties to the Stockholm Convention: to actively involve in meeting their obligations under the Convention, exchange information and share experience with other Parties, as well as, if in a position to do so, providing technical assistance and promote transfer of technology to assist developing country Parties to meet their obligations under the Convention.
  • Stockholm Convention regional centers: to provide technical assistance on regional basis and to facilitate implementation of the Convention by developing and implementing regional and sub-regional projects; they have a natural role as subsidiary trainer and regional relay for capacity-building.
  • UNEP Chemicals: in providing technical support to the Secretariat in developing and updating of the relevant guidance documents and for implementation of related projects.
  • UNEP DELC: in strengthening the capacity of Parties to evaluate and improve efficacy of the relevant laws and policies.
  • UNIDO: in promoting the use of cleaner technologies and in facilitation of BAT and BEP use through capacity building and through on-ground investment projects.
  • UNDP: by facilitation of BAT and BEP use through on-ground investment projects.
  • World Bank: by facilitation of BAT and BEP use through on-ground investment projects.