| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/1 | Provisional agenda |   | 9/20/2024 2:13 PM |
1. Opening of the meeting.
2. Adoption of the agenda.
3. Organizational matters: |
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/2 | Election of officers |   | 1/21/2025 10:46 AM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. At its twelfth meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is expected to elect the officers of the Conference of the Parties who will serve during its thirteenth meeting. |
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/3 | Rules of procedure for the Conference of the Parties |   | 1/15/2025 2:53 PM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. At its first meeting, in decision SC-1/1, the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants adopted its rules of procedure, as contained in the annex to that decision, with the exception of the second sentence of paragraph 1 of rule 45, which it agreed to maintain in square brackets to indicate that it had not been agreed on and was of no effect. |
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/7 | Evaluation and review of brominated diphenyl ethers pursuant to paragraph 2 of parts IV and V of Annex A to the Convention |   | 1/30/2025 11:18 AM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. Paragraph 2 of parts IV and V of Annex A to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants provides that at its sixth ordinary meeting and every second ordinary meeting thereafter, the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention is to evaluate the progress that Parties have made towards achieving their ultimate objective of elimination of hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether, as well as tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether, contained in articles, and to review the continued need for specific exemptions for those chemicals. Those paragraphs also provide that the specific exemptions will, in any case, expire at the latest in 2030. |
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/12 | Recommendation by the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee to list chlorpyrifos in Annex A to the Stockholm Convention and draft text of the proposed amendment |   | 2/7/2025 5:03 PM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. At its nineteenth meeting, the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee, by decision POPRC-19/3, adopted a risk profile for chlorpyrifos (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.19/9/Add.3) and decided that chlorpyrifos was likely, as a result of its long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and environmental effects such that global action was warranted.
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/13 | Recommendation by the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee to list chlorinated paraffins with carbon chain lengths in the range C14–17 and chlorination levels at or exceeding 45 per cent chlorine by weight in Annex A to the Stockholm Convention and draft text of the proposed amendment |   | 2/7/2025 9:05 AM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. At its eighteenth meeting, the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee, by decision POPRC-18/4, adopted a risk profile for chlorinated paraffins with carbon chain lengths in the range
C14–17 and chlorination levels at or exceeding 45 per cent chlorine by weight (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.18/11/Add.3) and decided that those chemicals were likely, as a result of their long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and environmental effects such that global action was warranted.
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/14 | Recommendation by the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee to list long-chain perfluorocarboxylic acids, their salts and related compounds in Annex A to the Stockholm Convention and draft text of the proposed amendment |   | 2/7/2025 3:21 PM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. At its eighteenth meeting, the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee, by decision POPRC-18/5, adopted a risk profile for long-chain perfluorocarboxylic acids, their salts and related compounds (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.18/11/Add.4) and decided that those chemicals were likely, as a result of their long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and environmental effects such that global action was warranted.
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/18 | Mobilization of resources under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions from non-State actors (joint document) |   | 2/13/2025 3:06 PM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. The present note provides information on the implementation of the mandates established by decisions BC-16/19, RC-11/7 and SC-11/15, on a framework for developing a resource mobilization strategy, adopted by the conferences of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants at their 2023 meetings. |
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/20 | Effectiveness evaluation pursuant to Article 16 of the Stockholm Convention |   | 2/12/2025 4:48 PM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. The present note provides information on the implementation of the mandates established by decision SC-11/17, on effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, which was adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention at its eleventh meeting. |
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/26 | Mainstreaming gender (joint document) |   | 2/13/2025 4:21 PM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. The present note provides information on the implementation of the mandates established by decisions BC-13/20, RC-8/13 and SC-8/23, on mainstreaming gender, which were adopted by the conferences of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in 2017, as well as the request from the conferences of the Parties at their meetings in 2023 for the Secretariat to report on the implementation of the Gender Action Plan to the conferences of the Parties at their meetings in 2025. |
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/28 | From science to action (joint document) |   | 1/20/2025 2:49 PM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. The present note provides information on the implementation of the mandate established by decisions BC-16/25, RC-11/12 and SC-11/24 entitled “From science to action”, which were adopted by the conferences of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants at their meetings in 2023. |
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/29 | Programmes of work and budgets for the biennium 2026–2027: combined proposal (joint document) |   | 1/13/2025 3:02 PM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. The present note provides information on the budget scenarios requested in decisions BC-16/28, (para. 26), RC-11/15 (para. 29) and SC-11/27 (para. 28), on programmes of work and budgets for the biennium 2024–2025, adopted by the conferences of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants at their 2023 meetings. |
| UNEP/POPS/COP.12/30 | Venue and dates of the next meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (joint document) |   | 1/20/2025 2:07 PM |
Note by the Secretariat
I. Introduction
1. Meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants are to be held at the seat(s) of the Secretariat, unless the conferences of the Parties decide otherwise or other appropriate arrangements are made by the Secretariat in consultation with the Parties. |