Register of Specific Exemptions: Pentachlorophenol

Parties may register for specific exemptions listed in Annex A or B pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 4. These specific exemptions have a limited timeframe and shall expire five (5) years after the date of entry into force of the Convention with respect to that particular chemical (paragraph 4 of Article 4), unless an earlier date is indicated in the Register by the Party or an extension is granted by the Conference of the Parties under paragraph 7 of Article 4.

Specific exemptions

No registered exemptions.

Expired specific exemptions

Activity / Specific exemption
Expiry date
Estimated quantity of production / use
Purpose(s) of production / use
Reason for exemption

As allowed for the parties listed in the Register in accordance with the provisions of part VIII of Annex A
Mexico Expired on 15/12/2021 6800 metric tons per year Production of pentachlorophenol, 99.98% for shipment to the United States of America and 0.02% for sale in the national territory; the specific uses are those expressed in the Conference of the Parties, i.e. for treatment of utility poles and cross-arms. Existence of the company KMG, a production plant in Mexico that delivers the product in solid state to be later sent to the USA for its distribution and sale. Note by Secretariat:
Informal translation on registration – original received in Spanish

Pentachlorophenol for utility poles and cross-arms in accordance with the provisions of part VIII of Annex A
Mexico Expired on 15/12/2021 0.2% of 6800 metric tons per year Production of pentachlorophenol, 99.98% for shipment to the United States of America and 0.02% for sale in the national territory; the specific uses are those expressed in the Conference of the Parties, i.e. for treatment of utility poles and cross-arms. Existence of the company KMG, a production plant in Mexico that delivers the product in solid state to be later sent to the USA for its distribution and sale. Note by Secretariat:
Informal translation on registration – original received in Spanish