Register of Specific Exemptions: Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether

Parties may register for specific exemptions listed in Annex A or B pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 4. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Part V of Annex A to the Convention, at its sixth ordinary meeting and at every second ordinary meeting thereafter the Conference of the Parties evaluates the progress that Parties have made towards achieving their ultimate objective of elimination of tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether contained in articles and review the continued need for this specific exemption. This specific exemption shall in any case expire at the latest in 2030.

Specific exemptions

Activity / Specific exemption
Expiry date
Estimated quantity of production / use
Purpose(s) of production / use
Reason for exemption

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
Brazil At the latest in 2030 Not known at the time In accordance with Part V of Annex A Some articles containing this commercial mixture could still be in use in Brazil and some may be recycled. None

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
Japan At the latest in 2030 N/A Recycling plastics from post-consumer use specific home appliances (Air-conditioner, TV sets, refrigerator, freezer, washing machine and clothes dryer) and personal computers to construction materials and daily necessities such as hanger and bookends. Recycling post-consumer use specific home appliances is an obligation for home appliances manufacturers and importers under Home Appliance Recycling Law. It is necessary to enable recycling of plastics from post-consumer use specific home appliances to maintain appropriate management system of the post-consumer specific home appliances and establish a sound material-cycle society. Recycling of such plastics is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.

Recycling used personal computers is an obligation for personal computers manufacturers and importers under Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources. It is necessary to enable recycling of plastics from used personal computers to maintain appropriate management system of the used personal computers and establish a sound material-cycle society. Recycling of such plastics is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.
Approximately 108,000 tons of plastics from post-consumer use specific home appliances which might contain the chemicals are recycled annually.

Approximately 6,000 tons of used personal computers are recycled annually. On average, the weight of plastics which might contain the chemicals listed above is approximately 15% of total weight of personal computers.

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
Republic of Korea At the latest in 2030 Not known In accordance with Part V of Annex A While manufacture, import and use of tetra- and pentaBDE are prohibited, some products and articles containing the chemicals could still be in use and recycled None

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
Türkiye At the latest in 2030 Not known as yet In accordance with Part V of Annex A Country data not yet established None

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
Viet Nam At the latest in 2030 Not available In accordance with Part V of Annex A Currently, recycling of articles that contain or may contain tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether, and the use and final disposal of articles manufactured from recycled materials that contain or may contain tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether still exists. Since 2020, Viet Nam has internalized the requirements on POPs management of the Stockholm Convention in Viet Nam's environmental protection legislation.

Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether and the articles containing tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether management have been regulated under the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 and the Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP dated 10th January 2022 of the Government guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 whose purpose is to protect human health and the environment from POPs' adverse impacts

Expired and withdrawn specific exemptions

Activity / Specific exemption
Expiry date
Estimated quantity of production / use
Purpose(s) of production / use
Reason for exemption

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
Canada Withdrawn on 11/02/2020 Not provided In accordance with Part IV of Annex A (Decision SC-4/18) While manufacture, import and use of C-PentaBDE commercial mixtures are prohibited, some articles containing this commercial mixture could still be in use in Canada and some may be recycled. Withdrawal notification

On registration: Paragraph 1(b) of Part IV does not apply to Canada as Canada has not set levels / concentrations on articles for permitted sale, use, import or manufacture at this time.

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
Czechia Expired on 26/08/2015 Not provided Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A - On registration: None.

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
European Union Withdrawn on 28/11/2019 Not known at the time In accordance with Part V of Annex A While the production, placing on the market and use of tetrabromodiphenyl ethers and pentabromodiphenyl ethers are prohibited. Some recycling of articles containing these substances and produced before introduction of the ban cannot be excluded Withdrawal notification

On registration: None.

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Expired on 26/08/2015

Five years as allowed by the Convention as of 26/08/2010
Not known at the time - Country data not yet established On registration: Country data not yet established.

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A
Japan Withdrawn on 21/04/2014 N/A Recycling Automobile Shredder Residues (ASR) to Refuse Paper and plastic Fuel (RPF).

Recycling ASR to Recycled Sound-Proofing Products (RSPP).

Recycling plastics from used specific home appliances (air conditioner, television sets, refrigerator, freezer, washing machine and clothes dryer) and personal computers to construction material and daily necessities such as hangers and bookends.
Recycling of ASR is an obligation for automobile manufacturers and importers under the Law for the Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles. It is necessary to enable recycling of ASR to maintain appropriate management system of End-of-Life Vehicles. Recycling of ASR is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.

Recycling used specific home appliances is an obligation for home appliance manufacturers and importers under the Home Appliance Recycle law. It is necessary to enable recycling of plastics from used specific home appliances to maintain appropriate management system of the used specific home appliances and establish a sound material-cycle society. Recycling of such plastics is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.

Recycling used personal computers is an obligation for personal computer manufacturers and importers under the law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources. It is necessary to enable recycling of plastics from used computers to maintain appropriate management system of the used personal computers and establish a sound material-cycle society. Recycling of such plastics is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.
Withdrawn notification

Note by Secretariat: Japan submitted a new notification replacing this notification.