Withdrawal from the Register of specific exemptions

According to paragraph 8 of Article 4, a Party may, at any time, withdraw an entry from the Register for a specific exemption upon written notification to the Secretariat. The withdrawal shall take effect on the date specified in the notification.

Withdrawn and withdrawal notifications

1. Chemicals listed in Annex A

Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether

Activity / Specific exemption
Past purpose(s) of use
Past reason(s) for exemption
Date of notification
Date of withdrawal

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part IV of Annex A
Japan Recycling Automobile Shredder Residues (ASR) to Refuse Paper and plastic Fuel (RPF).

Recycling ASR to Recycled Sound-Proofing Products (RSPP).

Recycling plastics from used specific home appliances (air conditioner, television sets, refrigerator, freezer, washing machine and clothes dryer) and personal computers to construction material and daily necessities such as hangers and bookends.
Recycling of ASR is an obligation for automobile manufacturers and importers under the Law for the Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles. It is necessary to enable recycling of ASR to maintain appropriate management system of End-of-Life Vehicles. Recycling of ASR is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.

Recycling used specific home appliances is an obligation for home appliance manufacturers and importers under the Home Appliance Recycle law. It is necessary to enable recycling of plastics from used specific home appliances to maintain appropriate management system of the used specific home appliances and establish a sound material-cycle society. Recycling of such plastics is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.

Recycling used personal computers is an obligation for personal computer manufacturers and importers under the law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources. It is necessary to enable recycling of plastics from used computers to maintain appropriate management system of the used personal computers and establish a sound material-cycle society. Recycling of such plastics is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.
1 Nov. 2010 21 April 2014 Withdrawal notification

Japan submitted a new notification replacing this notification.

Lindane (CAS # 58-89-9)

Activity / Specific exemption
Past purpose(s) of use
Past reason(s) for exemption
Date of notification
Date of withdrawal

Human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment.
Nigeria Human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment. No alternative. 13 June 2011 15 Oct. 2012 Withdrawal notification

Nigeria discourages the use of lindane for the control of lice and scabies due to increasing pest resistance, lack of efficacy and toxic effects.

See the withdrawal notification for the pharmaceutical alternatives and the alternatives to lindane in agriculture promoted in Nigeria.

Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether

Activity / Specific exemption
Past purpose(s) of use
Past reason(s) for exemption
Date of notification
Date of withdrawal

Articles in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A.
Japan Recycling Automobile Shredder Residues (ASR) to Refuse Paper and plastic Fuel (RPF).

Recycling ASR to Recycled Sound-Proofing Products (RSPP).

Recycling plastics from used specific home appliances (air conditioner, television sets, refrigerator, freezer, washing machine and clothes dryer) and personal computers to construction material and daily necessities such as hangers and bookends.
Recycling of ASR is an obligation for automobile manufacturers and importers under the Law for the Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles. It is necessary to enable recycling of ASR to maintain appropriate management system of End-of-Life Vehicles. Recycling of ASR is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.

Recycling used specific home appliances is an obligation for home appliance manufacturers and importers under the Home Appliance Recycle law. It is necessary to enable recycling of plastics from used specific home appliances to maintain appropriate management system of the used specific home appliances and establish a sound material-cycle society. Recycling of such plastics is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.

Recycling used personal computers is an obligation for personal computer manufacturers and importers under the law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources. It is necessary to enable recycling of plastics from used computers to maintain appropriate management system of the used personal computers and establish a sound material-cycle society. Recycling of such plastics is operated in environmentally sound manner under the law.
1 Nov. 2010 21 April 2014 Withdrawn notification

Japan submitted a new notification replacing this notification.

2. Chemicals listed in Annex B

Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (CAS # 1763-23-1), its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (CAS # 307-35-7)

Activity / Specific exemption
Past purpose(s) of use
Past reason(s) for exemption
Date of notification
Date of withdrawal

- Metal plating (hard metal plating)
- Metal plating (decorative plating)
Brazil - Metal plating (hard metal plating)
- Metal plating (decorative plating)
The product protects the operators of spray chrome (highly toxic) in electroplating process.

No equivalent product available with the same performance.
26 May 2011 21 Aug. 2015 Withdrawn notification

Brazil submitted a new notification replacing this notification.