Geneva, Switzerland, 6 May 2013
The Polychlorinated Biphenyls Elimination Network (PEN) Information Meeting for Members and Others Interested in PCB took place on 6 May 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland at the International Conference Centre. The meeting was held as an evening side event to the Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, following a proposal by the PEN Advisory Committee. The meeting was organized by the PEN Secretariat, which is hosted by the Chemicals Branch, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
The meeting provided an opportunity for participants to present and participants to discuss recent and pending issues relating to the PEN and PCB in general. Among others, participants discussed the classification of PCB as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Participants exchanged views on the PEN Magazine, POPs Social, and the development of guidelines and factsheets. Challenges and opportunities implied in the transition of the PEN Secretariat from the BRS Secretariat to the UNEP Chemicals Branch were explored. Moreover, the workplan and the budget for the two biennia in 2012-2015 were introduced to participants. Important outcomes and decisions include the following:
- A modified PEN membership application form is available online
- POPs Social is in need of revitalization
- Future issues of the PEN Magazine will be published in electronic format only
- More targeted activities are necessary to raise funds to implement PEN activities
The meeting also provided a forum for substantive discussions on technical issues, including inventories, classification of PCB as waste, cross-contamination, and the availability of disposal and treatment technologies. Urs Wagner, Technical Consultant at the ETI Environmental Technology Limited, Switzerland, an independent expert, provided insights of an independent expert and shared among others the following findings:
- Avoiding cross-contamination can help reduce management costs
- Prevention is to be preferred over remediation
- Disposal and treatment technologies are commercially available at reasonable prices
- Focus should be on inventories, prevention of cross-contamination and unintentional formation of PCDD/PCDF, and disposal
A practical dimension was added by Ms. Leila Devia who insights gained in a project on best practices in PCB management in the mining industry in Chile and Peru, implemented by the Basel Convention Regional Centre for the South American Region in Argentina (BCRC). Finally, Mr. John Vijgen, an international expert, presented the progress made in establishing new fact sheets for POPs destruction under the Basel Convention. Participants discussed opportunities and challenges related to incineration based technology, best available techniques and best environmental practices.
Working documents
Meeting agenda |
Report of the Polychlorinated Biphenyls Elimination Network Information Meeting for Members and Others Interested in PCB |
Information documents
Decision SC-5/7 on Polychliornated Biphenyls by the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention |
Decision SC-6/6 on Polychliornated Biphenyls by the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention |
Report by the United Nations Environment Programme on activities undertaken in relation to the Polychlorinated Biphenyls Elimination Network |
Working Document UNEP/POPS/COPS.6/9 on Poychlorinated Biphenyls of the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention |
Report of the fourth meeting of the Polychlorinated Biphenyls Elimination Network Advisory Committee |
PEN Workplan And Budget for 2012-2015 |
Heidi Fiedler: Information on the PEN and Status 2013 |
Leila Devia: Best Practices in PCB Management in the Mining Industry in South America in Chile and Peru |
Urs Wagner: Expert's Perspectives to PEN and PCB Management |
John Vijgen: Progress on Establishment of new Fact Sheets for POPs Destruction for SBC |