The objective of this document is to provide step-by-step guidance that enables Parties to establish inventories of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) listed under the Convention in 2013. This guidance document also contains information on alternatives to HBCD which could support the phasing-out of the chemical.
Main target audience
This document will be of use to national Stockholm Convention focal points, the project coordination unit implementing the NIP review and update project and the different task teams responsible for conducting inventories and developing action plans. It will also be of interest to other stakeholders concerned with the elimination of HBCD.
Latest version of the Guidance (March 2017)
Decision SC-7/10 requested parties and others to provide comments to the Secretariat based on their experience in using the most up-to-date versions of guidance documents to assist parties in developing, reviewing and updating their national implementation plans, as listed in part A of the annex to the present decision, on how to improve their usefulness, and requests the Secretariat, subject to the availability of resources, to update the guidance documents listed in part A of the annex, as appropriate. The Secretariat has revised the draft guidance (April 2015 version) based on the comments received. The revised March 2017 version of the draft guidance for the inventory of HBCD is given below. The document is posted as a clean version, and a track changes version can be obtained on request from the Secretariat.
Review of the Guidance
The process for the review of the guidance was initiated by decision SC-7/10 on Implementation plans, which requested the Secretariat to continue, subject to availability of resources, to update the guidance on the basis of comments received from Parties and others by 31 March 2016. The request for information pursuant to decision SC-7/10 can be accessed here. The comments received to date on the draft guidance and the responses are listed below..
Comments received (as of 31 March 2016)
List of comments and responses on the Guidance for the inventory, identification and substitution of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) (draft, April 2015) |
Previous version of the guidance (April 2015)