PCBs Elimination Network (PEN)


2011 Stockholm Convention's PEN Awards

Awards have been presented during the 5th Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention

The Secretariat organised the 2011 Stockholm Convention’s PEN Awards, following the work plan developed by the Advisory Committee of the PEN.

The Call for Nominations for the 2011 Stockholm Convention’s PEN Awards has resulted in 27 nominations from all over the world, including individual experts and free-lancers, government institutions, industry, civil society and academic institutions.

Members of the PEN cast their votes in four categories, using a new electronic voting tool. The members of the Advisory Committee of the PEN also voted in an independent procedure. The percentages for each candidate in the two round of voting – by PEN member and by Committee members - where combined with equal weight. The candidates with the highest score won.

The cross-cutting issues category attracted the biggest number of candidates; and the two candidates with the highest points were selected using the same voting procedure as described above, after two Advisory Committee members withdrew their candidacy to honour the efforts of non-Advisory Committee candidates.

The Secretariat also awarded three Secretariat’s Awards. All Awards were presented in Ceremony on 28 April during the weeklong the Fifth Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention in Geneva. The award ceremony was started off by introductory remarks made by price-winning Swiss radio moderator Mark Butcher. The Awards were than announced by the Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention, Mr. Donald Cooper, and presented by the President of COP5, Mr. Karel Blaha, while the delegates honoured each of the awardees with a good round of applause.

The honourable winners of the 2011 Stockholm Convention’s PEN Awards are:

In the category “Inventory of PCBs”:

Mr. Ion Barbarasa, Moldova

In the category “Maintenance, handling and interim storage of PCBs”:

The Ministry of Environment, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

In the category “Disposal of PCBs”:

Mr. Mario Coppo, Italy

In the category “Cross-cutting issues”:

The Centre for Public Health and Environmental Development CEPHED, Nepal  and  Mesa Nacional de PCB, Colombia

The Secretariat’s Award for the Information Champion:

Prof. Jinhui Li, China

The Secretariat’s Award for outstanding contributions to the PEN Magazine:

Ms. Amal Nadim, Morocco

The Secretariat’s Award for Lifetime Achievements:

Dr. Sören Jensen, Sweden


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