Technical Assistance

Global PCB cleanup project

Funded by the generous contributions of the European Union, this project aims to protect human health and the environment from adverse effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) by strengthening national capacities for environmentally sound management of PCB at the global scale in line with the 2025 and 2028 goals for the elimination of PCB under the Stockholm Convention.

Project outcomes:

Outcome 1. National Capacities on PCB ESM enhanced, and participating countries supported in the actions towards meeting the 2025/2028 goals for the elimination of PCB.

Outcome 2. PCB inventories updated, and PCB stockpiles identified in pilot project countries and strategies developed for long-term solutions for financing PCB elimination and options for scaling up.

Outcome 3. Long-term solutions for financing PCB ESM and options for scaling up developed and disseminated.

Capacity building activities

In order to enhance the capacity of Party countries for the environmentally sound management and disposal of PCB, the Secretariat continues to provide capacity building activities

  • Training tools

An electronic training tool on the Basel Convention technical guidelines on POPs wastes, including the guidelines on PCBs, has been developed. The training tool provides information on the technical guidelines on POPs wastes in a simple and interactive manner.

  • Workshops

To further enhance the effectiveness of the training tool and to provide support to relevant personnel on the Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of PCBs, regional workshops are organised by the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention.



Central and Eastern Europe

Latin America and the Caribbean