Intersessional Process of consultations with Parties in the DDT register

At its tenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties, in its decision SC-10/6, decided to initiate, subject to the availability of resources, and through the DDT expert group, an intersessional process of consultations with those Parties that were in the DDT register as of 1 January 2023 on a possible phase-out-plan. It also requested expert groups to report to the Conference of the Parties at the eleventh meeting on the prospects for phasing out DDT for those Parties.

The first online meeting was held on 19 October 2022.

The second online meeting of the intersessional process of consultations was held on 22 March 2023.

At its eleventh meeting, the Conference of the Parties took note of the report by the DDT expert group on the assessment of the production and use of DDT and its alternatives for disease vector control, including the conclusions and recommendations set out therein; the report on the first set of consultations under the intersessional process of consultations with the 18 Parties in the DDT register on a possible phase-out plan; and decided (decision SC-11/2) to continue, subject to the availability of resources, through the DDT expert group, the intersessional process of consultations with Parties in the DDT register on a possible phase out plan for DDT and withdrawal from the DDT register, and requested the expert group to report to the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting on the prospects for phasing out DDT for those Parties.

A third intersessional face-to-face meeting took place 4-6 June 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Partly as a result of the intersessional process of consultations, several Parties having been part of the DDT register have notified the Secretariat of their withdrawal from the register.