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Scientific experts meet online for the 16th meeting of the Stockholm Convention’s POPs Review Committee (POPRC), 11-16 January 2021

On the agenda is the proposal to list UV-328, and draft risk profiles for Dechlorane Plus and Methoxychlor. All the documents are publically available, online.

Scientific experts meet online for the 16th meeting of the Stockholm Convention’s POPs Review Committee (POPRC), 11-16 January 2021

Scientific experts meet online for the 16th meeting of the Stockholm Convention’s POPs Review Committee (POPRC), 11-16 January 2021
To rid the world of POPs, Sweden updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

Addressing Amendments made at COPs 8 and 9, Sweden has transmitted its updated NIP.

To rid the world of POPs, Sweden updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

To rid the world of POPs, Sweden updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
International Mountains Day marked as countries prepare for expanded control of plastic waste

The Basel Convention’s Plastic Waste Amendments become effective on New Year’s Day 2021, giving new impetus to the protection of mountains and other regions from plastic waste pollution.

International Mountains Day marked as countries prepare for expanded control of plastic waste

International Mountains Day marked as countries prepare for expanded control of plastic waste
Japan updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

To better protect human health and environment, Japan has transmitted its updated NIP, addressing amendments made at COPs 8 and 9.

Japan updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

Japan updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
2019 Stockholm Convention amendments on Dicofol, PFOA, and PFOS enter into force

On 3 December 2020, amendments adopted at COP9 enter into force for most Parties, adding Dicofol and PFOA, its salts & PFOA-related compounds to Annex A, and amending the exemptions for PFOS, its salts and PFOSF in Annex B.

2019 Stockholm Convention amendments on Dicofol, PFOA, and PFOS enter into force

2019 Stockholm Convention amendments on Dicofol, PFOA, and PFOS enter into force
Tanzania has updated its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

Addressing amendments made at COPs 4, 5, 6, & 7, the updated NIP will help protect human health and the environment from POPs.

Tanzania has updated its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

Tanzania has updated its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
16th POPs Review Committee meeting kicks off online Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Pre-meetings of POPRC-16 will run from 1 to 3 December, providing an early opportunity for experts to introduce and discuss the technical issues ahead of the full meeting in January 2021.

16th POPs Review Committee meeting kicks off online Tuesday, 1 December 2020

16th POPs Review Committee meeting kicks off online Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Join the Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues, online, starting 26 November 2020

Organised by GEN with the BRS Secretariat and a host of other partners, the first of the series focuses on plastic waste.

Join the Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues, online, starting 26 November 2020

Join the Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues, online, starting 26 November 2020
Tuvalu updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

To help protect human health and the environment from POPs, Tuvalu has transmitted its updated NIP, covering amendments made at COP4, COP5, COP6, COP7, COP8 and COP9.

Tuvalu updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

Tuvalu updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
Webinar to outline the selected projects of the new Small Grants Programme on plastic waste

Learn about the 7 projects selected for funding from the first call for proposals, by joining this webinar on 12 November at 1400.

Webinar to outline the selected projects of the new Small Grants Programme on plastic waste

Webinar to outline the selected projects of the new Small Grants Programme on plastic waste
The Stockholm Convention's POPs Review Committee will hold its 16th meeting online. Agenda, documents, and other information are available online

The Stockholm Convention's scientific subsidiary body meeting, POPRC-16, will take place online 11-16 January 2021, with preparatory pre-meetings online 1-3 December 2020.

The Stockholm Convention's POPs Review Committee will hold its 16th meeting online. Agenda, documents, and other information are available online

The Stockholm Convention's POPs Review Committee will hold its 16th meeting online. Agenda, documents, and other information are available online
Theme for the 2021 Triple COPs announced: Global Agreements for a Healthy Planet

The Theme for the next meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, and the associated High-Level Segment, from 19 to 31 July 2021, is “Global Agreements for a Healthy Planet; Sound Management of Chemicals & Waste”.

Theme for the 2021 Triple COPs announced: Global Agreements for a Healthy Planet

Theme for the 2021 Triple COPs announced: Global Agreements for a Healthy Planet
International E-Waste Day marked around the world

The BRS Secretariat is proud to support and publicise this day, organised by the WEEE Forum, which aims to draw attention to the growing environmental & health challenges posed by electrical and electronic waste.

International E-Waste Day marked around the world

International E-Waste Day marked around the world
Sound management of chemicals and waste a prerequisite for turning the tide on biodiversity loss

Joint press release from the BRS and Minamata convention secretariats on the occasion of the UN Summit on Biodiversity.

Sound management of chemicals and waste a prerequisite for turning the tide on biodiversity loss

Sound management of chemicals and waste a prerequisite for turning the tide on biodiversity loss

Geneva, Switzerland; 30 September 2020 - All eyes are on biodiversity today, as the UN Summit on Biodiversity brings together the international community in the name of stemming the tide of biodiversity loss worldwide. With biodiversity loss occurring at an unprecedented rate, we are called upon to recognise not only our common global duty to halt the destruction of our natural world, but also to act where we are, and where we can, to safeguard and restore the life-supporting functions of our Planet.

The Basel (1989), Rotterdam (1998), Stockholm (2001), and Minamata (2013) Conventions were agreed in order to manage and reduce the harmful impacts of hazardous chemicals and wastes on the environment and on human health. While focused on chemicals and wastes management, each of these Conventions also decidedly contributes to the overall protection of biological diversity and the range of goods and services provided by our Planet’s ecosystems.

Pollution is widely accepted as one of the main drivers of biodiversity loss. Pollution might be experienced as plastics or pesticides choking life in our rivers and oceans, or as industrial chemicals such as PCBs and PFOS, taken up by living organisms and accumulating up the food-chain, causing multiple damages such as endocrine disruption and neurotoxicity, or as wastes dumping or open burning, poisoning our soils, freshwater and air, or as mercury dramatically affecting the health of small-scale gold miners. Common to each of these examples of unsustainable use of chemicals and wastes, is the almost irreparable damage done to the ecosystems and to Nature’s ability to thrive and to contribute to the well-being of people. 

As independent and  legally binding instruments, the four Conventions provide for specific means to achieve their respective objectives, including by setting obligations for their respective Parties to control or reduce harm to human health and the environment stemming from the production, use, trade and disposal of the covered chemicals and wastes. Since they contribute to a greater whole, their full implementation makes a significant, and vital contribution to the protection of the environment and biodiversity, and overall, to the health and well-being of people.

As a contribution to efforts to protect biodiversity, the secretariats of the four conventions have joined forces to develop an exploratory study highlighting the pollutants regulated by the four Conventions and their impacts on biodiversity. Based on existing scientific knowledge, the sound management of these pollutants under our Conventions will undoubtedly result in improvements to the state of biodiversity. The study will be launched at the 5th Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly, convening in 2021, in the run-up to the Conferences of the Parties of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (July 2021), the Conference of the Parties of the Minamata Convention (November 2021), as well as the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity convening to adopt the Global Biodiversity Framework, in late 2021.

For further information on the work of the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions:

Contact: Katarina Magulova (tel: +41-22-9178170; email: )

For further information on the work of the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention:

Contact person: Claudia ten Have, Senior Policy and Coordination Officer (tel: +41-22-9178638; email: )

New report highlights dangers to health and the environment from toxic chemicals found in some types of plastic

Efforts towards building a circular economy might be compromised by chemical additives in certain plastics, a study by the Stockholm Convention’s Regional Centre for the Mediterranean, IPEN, UNEP and the BRS Secretariat finds.

New report highlights dangers to health and the environment from toxic chemicals found in some types of plastic

New report highlights dangers to health and the environment from toxic chemicals found in some types of plastic
Funding available for actions on plastic waste, deadline 31 October 2020

The Second Round of funding of the Basel Convention’s Small Grants Programme, generously funded by the Norwegian NORAD agency, is now open.

Funding available for actions on plastic waste, deadline 31 October 2020

Funding available for actions on plastic waste, deadline 31 October 2020
Global agreements for a healthy planet: 9 MEAs work together to address illegal traffic

Representatives from the Barcelona Convention, CITES, Climate Change Convention, Convention on Biological Diversity, Minamata Convention, Montreal Protocol, and the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, join the Basel Convention’s Implementation and Compliance Committee online to discuss ways to better prevent and combat illegal traffic.

Global agreements for a healthy planet: 9 MEAs work together to address illegal traffic

Global agreements for a healthy planet: 9 MEAs work together to address illegal traffic
To rid the world of POPs, Solomon Islands updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

To rid the world of POPs, Solomon Islands updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention Teaser: Reflecting amendments made at COPs 4, 5, 6, & 7, Solomon Islands has transmitted its updated NIP.

To rid the world of POPs, Solomon Islands updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

To rid the world of POPs, Solomon Islands updates its national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
Plastic Waste: Your photo could make a difference

Back to school, back to university, back to the office? Snap the plastic waste you encounter and you could win the Plastic Waste Partnership’s photo contest, deadline 30 September.

Plastic Waste: Your photo could make a difference

Plastic Waste: Your photo could make a difference
Preparations for Stockholm Convention COP-10 underway: Bureau meeting report now available

The Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention met online, 9 June 2020, to discuss preparations for COP-10 in 2021. The report of that meeting is now available online.

Preparations for Stockholm Convention COP-10 underway: Bureau meeting report now available

Preparations for Stockholm Convention COP-10 underway: Bureau meeting report now available
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