News Features

New pan-UN Coalition formed to tackle E-Waste
BRS, together with UN Environment, the ILO and the ITU amongst others, is part of a new coalition of UN organisations formed at the recent WSIS2018 Forum to achieve a shared goal of tackling the ever-growing issue of electronic waste.

New pan-UN Coalition formed to tackle E-Waste

New pan-UN Coalition formed to tackle E-Waste
Sweden updates its Stockholm Convention implementation plan
Reflecting amendments agreed at COP-6 and COP-7, Sweden has transmitted its updated National Implementation Plan, to Rid the World of POPs.

Sweden updates its Stockholm Convention implementation plan

Sweden updates its Stockholm Convention implementation plan
Cuba: celebrating 10 years of implementing the Stockholm Convention
The BRS Secretariat congratulates Cuba on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of entry-into-force of the Stockholm Convention – to Rid the World of POPs

Cuba: celebrating 10 years of implementing the Stockholm Convention

Cuba: celebrating 10 years of implementing the Stockholm Convention


BRS Secretariat participates at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum in Geneva
Executive Secretary Rolph Payet contributes to discussions on a range of issues, including the Sustainable Development Goals, throughout WSIS 2018

BRS Secretariat participates at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum in Geneva

BRS Secretariat participates at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum in Geneva


Sao Tome and Principe updates its Stockholm Convention implementation plan
Reflecting amendments agreed at COP-4 and COP-5, Sao Tome and Principe has transmitted its updated National Implementation Plan.

Sao Tome and Principe updates its Stockholm Convention implementation plan

Sao Tome and Principe updates its Stockholm Convention implementation plan
Information sought on PFOS and semi-conductors to assist Stockholm Convention assessment
Additional information invited from Parties and other stakeholders by 20 April 2018 to assist ongoing process for the assessment of continued need for PFOS.

Information sought on PFOS and semi-conductors to assist Stockholm Convention assessment

Information sought on PFOS and semi-conductors to assist Stockholm Convention assessment
Two key Stockholm Convention POPRC documents under development
Comments are invited, until 6 April 2018, on the draft risk profile on PFHxS, and the assessment of possible control measures for PFOA.

Two key Stockholm Convention POPRC documents under development

Two key Stockholm Convention POPRC documents under development
Congratulations to Guinea: 10 years of implementing the Stockholm Convention
The BRS Secretariat congratulates Guinea on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of entry into force of the Stockholm Convention - to Rid the World of POPs.

Congratulations to Guinea: 10 years of implementing the Stockholm Convention

Congratulations to Guinea: 10 years of implementing the Stockholm Convention
On International Women’s Day, BRS seeks more Gender Heroes
The BRS Secretariat invites Parties and stakeholders to submit stories highlighting innovative or inspiring examples of gender mainstreaming for sound management of chemicals and waste.

On International Women’s Day, BRS seeks more Gender Heroes

On International Women’s Day, BRS seeks more Gender Heroes
The BRS Secretariat celebrates International Women’s Day
Women are disproportionately impacted by hazardous chemicals and waste. Gender mainstreaming case studies, profiles of Gender Heroes and Gender Pioneers, and the BRS Gender Action Plan are all available on our website.

The BRS Secretariat celebrates International Women’s Day

The BRS Secretariat celebrates International Women’s Day
Stockholm Convention’s POPRC-13 meeting report now available in all languages
The final version of the report of the thirteenth meeting of POPs Review Committee is now available online in the six UN languages.

Stockholm Convention’s POPRC-13 meeting report now available in all languages

Stockholm Convention’s POPRC-13 meeting report now available in all languages
BRS Secretariat strengthens cooperation with International Telecommunications Union
The BRS Executive Secretary, Rolph Payet met with the Secretary General Houlin Zhao to discuss enhanced cooperation between the two organisations to tackle areas of joint concern such as E-waste from used IT equipment.

BRS Secretariat strengthens cooperation with International Telecommunications Union

BRS Secretariat strengthens cooperation with International Telecommunications Union
BRS Secretariat marks World Wildlife Day, 3 March
Visit or follow the @brsmeas twitter account to view a series of powerful photos demonstrating the impacts of chemicals and waste on nature and wildlife.

BRS Secretariat marks World Wildlife Day, 3 March

BRS Secretariat marks World Wildlife Day, 3 March

Visit or follow the @brsmeas twitter account to view a series of powerful photos demonstrating the impacts of chemicals and waste on nature and wildlife.

Stockholm Convention COP-8 meeting report - All languages now available
The final version of the report of the eighth meeting of the COP to the Stockholm Convention is now available online in the six UN languages.

Stockholm Convention COP-8 meeting report - All languages now available

Stockholm Convention COP-8 meeting report - All languages now available
Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions’ scientific subsidiary bodies training in Brno, Czech Republic
As a timely expression of the international day of Women-in-Science on 11 February, 19 out of 22 participants at this key CRC/POPRC joint workshop are female.

Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions’ scientific subsidiary bodies training in Brno, Czech Republic

Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions’ scientific subsidiary bodies training in Brno, Czech Republic
BRS Secretariat staff help highlight the importance of women and girls in science
Three-quarters of the BRS Science and Technical Assistance Branch are female, adding their voices to the international day of Women and Girls in Science, 11 February.

BRS Secretariat staff help highlight the importance of women and girls in science

BRS Secretariat staff help highlight the importance of women and girls in science
Stockholm Convention Risk Management Evaluations online for PFOA and Dicofol
Key documents on chemicals recommended for listing are now online in the 6 UN languages.

Stockholm Convention Risk Management Evaluations online for PFOA and Dicofol

Stockholm Convention Risk Management Evaluations online for PFOA and Dicofol
New report highlights emerging chemical and waste threats to the Arctic
Plastic marine litter, POPs, pesticides and pharmaceuticals among chemicals of emerging Arctic concern according to Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme report.

New report highlights emerging chemical and waste threats to the Arctic

New report highlights emerging chemical and waste threats to the Arctic
Consultant sought for marine plastic litter assignment
Apply by 6 February 2018 to assist the Basel Convention Secretariat tackle the problem of marine litter and micro-plastics pollution.

Consultant sought for marine plastic litter assignment

Consultant sought for marine plastic litter assignment
In the spotlight: Stockholm Convention working hand-in-hand with Barcelona Convention
Read about the BRS Regional Centre in Barcelona, Spain, as our regional series highlights the Mediterranean.

In the spotlight: Stockholm Convention working hand-in-hand with Barcelona Convention

In the spotlight: Stockholm Convention working hand-in-hand with Barcelona Convention

The Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (hereinafter SCP/RAC) is a centre for international cooperation on development and innovation based on the sustainable consumption and production approach (hereinafter SCP).

SCP is the combination of the implementation of tools and measures geared towards redesigning how goods and services are consumed and produced to drive industrial and socioeconomic development towards circular economies that are non-polluting, no-waste, low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive.

SCP/RAC operates in support of two international treaties: the Stockholm Convention[1], an international agreement involving 180 countries to fight against the generation of persistent organic pollutants, highly polluting and toxic substances; and the Barcelona Convention[2], which brings together the 21 Mediterranean neighbouring countries[3] to work together for the protection of the common environment and for sustainable development.

The Centre, established since 1996, is based in Barcelona and it is hosted by the Catalan Waste Agency, a reference institution for waste prevention and circular economy.

The fight against toxic chemicals and especially POPs is the core objective of the Stockholm Convention and is one of the priorities to protect the Mediterranean environment through the Barcelona Convention. In that context, countries of both conventions share the same concern on the important role played by plastics in the marine environment in the global transport of toxic chemicals. Especially in the Mediterranean region and its sea, marine litter has become a critical issue, as a region accumulating a high concentration of plastics. The most worrying environmental consequences of marine litter stem from toxic chemicals transfer through microplastics. Both Endocrine Disruptive Compounds (EDC) as well as POPs are transferred from microplastic litter to marine organisms and consequently to humans.

The support of SCP/RAC in addressing those challenges focuses on the prevention of the use toxic chemicals and the generation of marine litter through the promotion of safe alternatives and the development of circular economy-based measures.

The tasks that SCP/RAC develops in the performance of its mandate under those Conventions consist on:

  • Supporting the member countries of both conventions in the development of national policies and measures for the circular economy
  • Providing advice and advocacy services to interested countries and international entities for the integration of eco-innovation, pollution prevention and the use of alternatives to of toxic chemicals as strategic axes in international policies for environmental protection and sustainable development
  • Promoting the creation of new business models and green jobs based on eco-innovation through the training and support of entrepreneurs and SMEs, the provision of services for business development, networking activities and the facilitation of access to financing
  • Promoting an Mediterranean network of entrepreneurs, companies, financial entities and investors and civil society organizations for the green economy
  • Fostering the introduction of solutions on eco-innovation, circular economy and safe alternatives to toxic chemicals for SMEs and financial entities through the provision of advisory services, training and accompaniment in the implementation of measures.

Some of the most outstanding initiatives and projects in which the center participates are:

SwitchMed: Funded by the EC, SwitchMed is one of the main programmes to support Mediterranean countries to shift to circular economies. Under Switchmed, SCP/RAC prepared a Mediterranean Regional Plan identifying around 60 actions for SCP that has been adopted by the 21 countries members to the Barcelona Convention. Likewise the center manages a Mediterranean Hub for SCP and circular economy and develops a pioneering programme to support the development of eco-innovative businesses for blue and circular economy in the Mediterranean. The programme is impact-designed, providing training, coaching, advisory, networking and access to funding services. It includes a unique training methodology to design businesses for circular economy. So far SCP/RAC has trained 1,600 entrepreneurs, leading to the same number of new business ideas for SCP; has contributed to the creation of 100 new businesses; and has established a fund for green entrepreneurs.

EU-funded Marine Litter MED Project: the project aims at supporting the MENA countries in the development of measures to prevent the generation of ML. In the framework of the project, SCP/RAC is in charge of the development of measures to prevent the single-use plastics and the promotion of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) strategies. In a first phase of the project, the center has identified 25 innovative and inspiring solutions to combat plastic marine litter and 20 solutions to prevent the use of toxic chemicals (PBT, EDC, vPvB, CMR) in products.

Act4Litter: SCP/RAC leads this Interreg Med project which identifies more than 100 measures to prevent and minimize environmental and health impacts and quantities of plastic waste and microplastics that could become plastic marine litter. A Decision-Making tool developed within the project will allow to select the most effective and feasible measure for the Mediterranean specific context.

SWIM-H2020 SM Project: This project, funded by the EU in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Initiative for the Mediterranean, aims to contribute to reduce marine pollution and a sustainable use of scarce water resources in the MENA region. SCP/RAC’s involvement in the project focuses on the development of an expert facility, peer-to-peer experience sharing and dialogue and in capitalizing the lessons learnt, good practices and success stories in the fields of green and circular economy, pollution prevention and sustainable finance.

GEF Mediterranean Sea Programme “Enhancing Environmental Security”. This programme funded by the Global Environmental Facility and which will be launched in short, aims at reducing the major transboundary environmental stresses affecting the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas, including harmful chemicals and wastes. SCP/RAC will be involved in the development of measures for the prevention of POPs and new POPs and the prevention and elimination of Mercury.




[3] The 22 Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention are: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, and the European Union.

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