News Features

Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year
The Executive Secretary and staff wish all parties, observers, collaborators, partners and donors a peaceful and successful (Triple COPs) 2017.

Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year

Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year
BRS 2017 seasons greetings
Strengthening enforcement of environmental law in Europe
The Secretariat recently extended its agreement with IMPEL on illegal waste and chemicals trafficking to include cooperation relevant to all three conventions.

Strengthening enforcement of environmental law in Europe

Strengthening enforcement of environmental law in Europe

The Secretariat recently extended its agreement with IMPEL on illegal waste and chemicals trafficking to include cooperation relevant to all three conventions.

Turkey transmits updated Stockholm Convention NIP
Addressing amendments made at COP-4, COP-5 and COP-6, Turkey has transmitted its revised and updated National Implementation Plan.

Turkey transmits updated Stockholm Convention NIP

Turkey transmits updated Stockholm Convention NIP

Addressing amendments made at COP-4, COP-5 and COP-6, Turkey has transmitted its revised and updated National Implementation Plan.

Amendments listing additional chemicals for elimination enter into force on 15 December for most Parties
The 2015 Stockholm Convention amendments listing: hexachlorobutadiene; PCP its salts and esters; and PCNs, enter into force for most Parties on 15 December 2016.

Amendments listing additional chemicals for elimination enter into force on 15 December for most Parties

Amendments listing additional chemicals for elimination enter into force on 15 December for most Parties

The 2015 Stockholm Convention amendments listing: hexachlorobutadiene; PCP its salts and esters; and PCNs, enter into force for most Parties on 15 December 2016.

Outcomes of the joint bureaux meeting
The report of the joint meeting of the COPs bureaux held on 3 and 4 November 2016 is now available.

Outcomes of the joint bureaux meeting

Outcomes of the joint bureaux meeting

The report of the joint meeting of the COPs bureaux held on 3 and 4 November 2016 is now available.

Croatia transmits revised and updated NIP
Addressing amendments made at the Stockholm Convention COP-4, COP-5 and COP-6, Croatia has transmitted its revised and updated National Implementation Plan.

Croatia transmits revised and updated NIP

Croatia transmits revised and updated NIP
What does the regional centre in Uruguay do?
Read our interview with Gabriela Medina to understand how regional efforts help implement the Basel and Stockholm conventions.

What does the regional centre in Uruguay do?

What does the regional centre in Uruguay do?
Dates agreed for high-level segment of 2017 Triple COPs
The high-level segment of the next Triple COPs is scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday, 4 May and the morning of Friday, 5 May 2017.

Dates agreed for high-level segment of 2017 Triple COPs

Dates agreed for high-level segment of 2017 Triple COPs
Stockholm Convention effectiveness evaluated: concentrations decreasing for legacy & some newly-listed POPs
The 2nd meeting of the effectiveness evaluation committee finds the Convention an effective framework for regulating POPs, but key implementation challenges remain.

Stockholm Convention effectiveness evaluated: concentrations decreasing for legacy & some newly-listed POPs

Stockholm Convention effectiveness evaluated: concentrations decreasing for legacy & some newly-listed POPs

The effectiveness evaluation committee, established by the Conference of the Parties at its seventh meeting, met for the second time from 4 to 7 October 2016 in Geneva to finalize the first six-year evaluation cycle.

The committee concluded, among others, that the Stockholm Convention provides an effective and dynamic framework to regulate POPs throughout their lifecycle, addressing the production, use, import, export, releases, and disposal of these chemicals worldwide. However, inadequate implementation is the key issue that has been identified in this evaluation. Mechanisms and processes required by the Convention to support Parties in meeting their obligations have all been put in place, with the exception of procedures and mechanisms on compliance. A key challenge in undertaking the evaluation was the limited data available from national reports and national implementation plans, and recommendations have been made to address these and other implementation issues. Monitoring results indicate that regulations targeting POPs are succeeding in reducing levels of POPs in humans and the environment. For legacy POPs, concentrations measured in air and in human populations have declined and continue to decline or remain at low levels due to restrictions on POPs that predated the Stockholm Convention and are now incorporated in it. For the newly listed POPs, concentrations are beginning to show decreases, although in a few instances, increasing and/or stable levels are observed.

The effectiveness evaluation report, including an executive summary in the six UN languages, will be submitted for consideration at the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention.

Outcomes of the 12th meeting of the POPs Review Committee
The advance English version of the POPRC-12 meeting report is now available.

Outcomes of the 12th meeting of the POPs Review Committee

Outcomes of the 12th meeting of the POPs Review Committee
Uruguay playing lead regional role in sound management of chemicals and waste
Our regional focus switches to Latin America and the role of The Uruguayan Technological Laboratory (LATU) in Montevideo, which assists parties implement the Basel and Stockholm Conventions.

Uruguay playing lead regional role in sound management of chemicals and waste

Uruguay playing lead regional role in sound management of chemicals and waste
Ministers to be invited to attend the high-level segment of the 2017 Triple COPs
Ministers have been officially informed of the high-level segment of the meetings of the triple BRS COPs, which will be held in Geneva from 24 April to 5 May 2017.

Ministers to be invited to attend the high-level segment of the 2017 Triple COPs

Ministers to be invited to attend the high-level segment of the 2017 Triple COPs
China ratifies the Stockholm Convention 2013 amendment on HBCD
China is working towards elimination of the flame retardant HBCD after its government ratified the amendment listing it in Annex A to the Convention, as adopted by the Conference of the Parties in 2013.

China ratifies the Stockholm Convention 2013 amendment on HBCD

China ratifies the Stockholm Convention 2013 amendment on HBCD
The BRS interview - Focus on the Gulf
Latest in the series talks to Dr. Abdulnabi Al-Ghadban, who leads the Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Kuwait.

The BRS interview - Focus on the Gulf

The BRS interview - Focus on the Gulf
Cameroon submits updated Stockholm Convention NIP
Addressing amendments from COP-4, COP-5 and COP-6, Cameroon has submitted its updated National Implementation Plan.

Cameroon submits updated Stockholm Convention NIP

Cameroon submits updated Stockholm Convention NIP
Regional focus switches to Kuwait
This month we highlight the work of the Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Kuwait.

Regional focus switches to Kuwait

Regional focus switches to Kuwait

SCRC Kuwait is hosted by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), which was established in 1967 to carry out applied scientific research and to provide consulting services for both governmental and private sectors in Kuwait, the Gulf region and the Arab World. KISR was nominated by the parties of the Asia region, and endorsed by the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention in 2009 to serve as a Stockholm Convention Regional Centre. The centre serves basically the countries located in the West Asia region, namely: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. The main objective of the SCRC Kuwait is to strengthen and further develop the capabilities of countries in the West Asia region in implementing the Stockholm Convention, through capacity building and the transfer of environmentally sound technologies adopted and used under the Stockholm Convention.

The priorities of the centre are as follows:

  1. Coordinate with the 10 served members regarding the compliance of the stated recommendations by the POPRC and the conference of the parties;
  2. Provide all served members with needful technical support to assist them in fulfilling the requirement of the convention;
  3. Upgrade the centre with up to date facilities such as equipment for providing better services.

As such the vision for evolving the RC in the next 5 to 10 years is to ensure that all members would have the means and support needed from the RC to reach the level of full compliance with the Stockholm Convention.

SCRC Kuwait/KISR has emerged as a centre of excellence in the field of laboratory analysis of various environmental samples, including POPs and has a proven track record in laboratory management. The main laboratories and support sectors available in KISR that are related to the work of SCRC Kuwait are:

  1. Laboratories
    • The Central Analytical Laboratory
    • Environmental Organic and inorganic Chemistry
    • Ecotoxicology and bio-monitoring Laboratories
    • Radioecology and radiochemistry
    • Remote Sensing              
  2. Support sectors
    • National Scientific & Technical Information Centre
    • Manpower Development Division  

KISR/SCRC Kuwait has been undertaking a wide range of environmental studies particularly on the monitoring of POPs in various matrices and producing a significant number of articles in the peer review journals in recent years. Some of the notable works related to the Stockholm Convention include:

  • Capacity-Building Workshop for the Development of Ambient Air Monitoring Network for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) including the newly added POPs to the Stockholm Convention in the region of West Asia;
  • A study on Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in car dust from Kuwait: Implications for human exposure; and
  • A study on “Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Kuwait’s atmosphere: Building the capacity to fulfil data requirements of the Stockholm Convention on POPs” .

For more information please visit:

Is the Stockholm Convention effective in protecting human health and environment from POPs?
From 4 to 7 October, Geneva hosts the 2nd meeting of the effectiveness evaluation committee, whose work is helping answer this important question.

Is the Stockholm Convention effective in protecting human health and environment from POPs?

Is the Stockholm Convention effective in protecting human health and environment from POPs?
Preparations intensify for 2017 triple conferences of the parties (COPs): Geneva, Switzerland
Parties have been officially informed of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions COPs, featuring a high-level segment, to be held in Geneva from 24 April to 5 May 2017.

Preparations intensify for 2017 triple conferences of the parties (COPs): Geneva, Switzerland

Preparations intensify for 2017 triple conferences of the parties (COPs): Geneva, Switzerland
Updated BRS Gender Action Plan now online
Reflecting the Secretariat’s commitment to taking action to reduce gender inequalities, the updated BRS Gender Action Plan is now available.

Updated BRS Gender Action Plan now online

Updated BRS Gender Action Plan now online
Scientists gather to protect human health and environment
The Stockholm Convention’s POPs Review Committee (POPRC.12) meets in Rome 19-23rd September to review new chemicals proposed for listing.

Scientists gather to protect human health and environment

Scientists gather to protect human health and environment
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