POPs in the news

13/08/2013 -

Concentrations of 16 PBDEs, which are persistent, bioaccumulative, and may be toxic to both humans and the environment, were determined in dust samples from 33 New Zealand households and in breast milk samples from 33 mothers living in these households. More:
Massey University - New Zealand

Study shows links between dust and breast milk

Concentrations of 16 PBDEs, which are persistent, bioaccumulative, and may be toxic to both humans and the environment, were determined in dust samples from 33 New Zealand households and in breast milk samples from 33 mothers living in these households. More:
Massey University - New Zealand

05/08/2013 -

Washington, August 5, 2013 - Many developing countries import pesticides to increase agricultural production and control vector-borne diseases such as malaria. Over time, unused pesticides become obsolete and unsafe for use. Today, across Sub-Saharan Africa, more than 50,000 tons of obsolete pesticides litter the landscape. Exposure to these pollutants can cause cancer, allergies, reproductive disorders, and damages to the nervous and immune systems. More:

Obsolete Pesticide Stockpiles: An Unwanted Legacy of the African Landscape

Washington, August 5, 2013 - Many developing countries import pesticides to increase agricultural production and control vector-borne diseases such as malaria. Over time, unused pesticides become obsolete and unsafe for use. Today, across Sub-Saharan Africa, more than 50,000 tons of obsolete pesticides litter the landscape. Exposure to these pollutants can cause cancer, allergies, reproductive disorders, and damages to the nervous and immune systems. More:

30/07/2013 -

India is still reeling from the deaths of 23 schoolchildren in the village of Dharmasati Gandawa in Bihar on July 17 after they ate a free school lunch that was made with cooking oil tainted with the pesticide monocrotophos. The police say that the cooking oil might have been kept in a container that once held the pesticide. More:
The New York Times

Bihar School Deaths Highlight India’s Struggle With Pesticides

India is still reeling from the deaths of 23 schoolchildren in the village of Dharmasati Gandawa in Bihar on July 17 after they ate a free school lunch that was made with cooking oil tainted with the pesticide monocrotophos. The police say that the cooking oil might have been kept in a container that once held the pesticide. More:
The New York Times

29/07/2013 -

Gas chromatography (GC) is one of the most important tools in the chemical industry and in chemical laboratories. Analytical chemists use it for a wide variety of purposes, from forensic research to environmental testing, health screening and pharmaceuticals production. More:
Chemistry World

The ABC of gas chromatographs

Gas chromatography (GC) is one of the most important tools in the chemical industry and in chemical laboratories. Analytical chemists use it for a wide variety of purposes, from forensic research to environmental testing, health screening and pharmaceuticals production. More:
Chemistry World

23/07/2013 -

An urgent review is underway after a Four Corners investigation- an Australia's television program- found elevated levels of dangerous dioxins in a generic version of 2,4-D, one of Australia's most widely used herbicides. More:
ABC News - Australia

Investigation finds dangerous dioxins in widely used herbicide 2,4-D

An urgent review is underway after a Four Corners investigation- an Australia's television program- found elevated levels of dangerous dioxins in a generic version of 2,4-D, one of Australia's most widely used herbicides. More:
ABC News - Australia

12/07/2013 -

People, animals and the environment can be exposed to multiple chemicals at once from a variety of sources, but current risk assessment is usually carried out on one chemical substance at a time. EFSA review of international frameworks for assessing chemical mixtures will support the roll-out of harmonised terminology and methodologies for risk assessors. More:
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Assessing “chemical mixtures” – current approaches and future priorities

People, animals and the environment can be exposed to multiple chemicals at once from a variety of sources, but current risk assessment is usually carried out on one chemical substance at a time. EFSA review of international frameworks for assessing chemical mixtures will support the roll-out of harmonised terminology and methodologies for risk assessors. More:
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

08/07/2013 -

Cinquante tonnes de DDT et de déchets associés devront quitter, mardi le port de Casablanca, pour être incinérés et éliminés en France par une entreprise spécialisée dans le traitement de déchets polluants, selon l’Organisation des Nations-Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO) au Maroc. More:
www.lnt.ma (French)
www.aufaitmaroc.com - Ministère de la Santé : Début du processus d'élimination de 50 tonnes de DDT (French)

Cinquante tonnes de pesticides quitteront mardi Casablanca

Cinquante tonnes de DDT et de déchets associés devront quitter, mardi le port de Casablanca, pour être incinérés et éliminés en France par une entreprise spécialisée dans le traitement de déchets polluants, selon l’Organisation des Nations-Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO) au Maroc. More:
www.lnt.ma (French)
www.aufaitmaroc.com - Ministère de la Santé : Début du processus d'élimination de 50 tonnes de DDT (French)

06/07/2013 -

L’exposition chronique aux polychlorobiphényles (PCB), qui sont des produits dangereux, peut causer des cancers et d’autres effets sanitaires néfastes tels que l’apparition d’acnés chlorés et l’affaiblissement des systèmes immunitaire, endocrinien et reproducteur. Ces produits toxiques, non biodégradables et persistants dans l’environnement s’accumulent tout au long de la chaîne alimentaire et se retrouvent dans tous les milieux : sol, air, eau et sédiments. More:
Le Matin - Maroc (French)

Dépollution industrielle : Traitement écologique des déchets dangereux

L’exposition chronique aux polychlorobiphényles (PCB), qui sont des produits dangereux, peut causer des cancers et d’autres effets sanitaires néfastes tels que l’apparition d’acnés chlorés et l’affaiblissement des systèmes immunitaire, endocrinien et reproducteur. Ces produits toxiques, non biodégradables et persistants dans l’environnement s’accumulent tout au long de la chaîne alimentaire et se retrouvent dans tous les milieux : sol, air, eau et sédiments. More:
Le Matin - Maroc (French)

05/07/2013 -

Rabat.- Marruecos enviará el próximo martes desde Casablanca 50 toneladas de desechos tóxicos a Francia para ser eliminados por un empresa especializada. A través de un comunicado, la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) explicó que el DDT, uno de los pesticidas que se mandará a Francia, forma parte de la categoría de los Contaminantes Orgánicos Persistentes (POP) y fue adquirido en este país en los años 80 para luchar contra el paludismo. More:
www.diariovasco.com (Spanish)

Marruecos enviará 50 toneladas de desechos tóxicos a Francia para destruirlos

Rabat.- Marruecos enviará el próximo martes desde Casablanca 50 toneladas de desechos tóxicos a Francia para ser eliminados por un empresa especializada. A través de un comunicado, la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) explicó que el DDT, uno de los pesticidas que se mandará a Francia, forma parte de la categoría de los Contaminantes Orgánicos Persistentes (POP) y fue adquirido en este país en los años 80 para luchar contra el paludismo. More:
www.diariovasco.com (Spanish)

04/07/2013 -

Nairobi, July 4 2013 - Representative of 28 African countries today developed a draft roadmap aimed at driving the continent toward meeting the 2020 goal of the sound management of chemicals across their life cycles. National legal and institutional arrangements for chemical management and public resources for ensuring the sound management of chemicals are often insufficient, particularly in Africa. More:
UNEP News Centre

African Nations Pledge Increased Efforts in Sound Management of Hazardous Chemicals

Nairobi, July 4 2013 - Representative of 28 African countries today developed a draft roadmap aimed at driving the continent toward meeting the 2020 goal of the sound management of chemicals across their life cycles. National legal and institutional arrangements for chemical management and public resources for ensuring the sound management of chemicals are often insufficient, particularly in Africa. More:
UNEP News Centre

28/06/2013 -

At issue are substances called polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs, said Dr. Aimin Chen, an assistant professor of environmental health at the University of Cincinnati. They’ve been widely used as flame retardants. “Reducing exposure to PBDEs is a challenge,” he said in a news release, “but even a few simple steps such as hand-washing and limiting young children’s exposure can be helpful.” More:
Cincinnati Business Courier

Chemicals found in phones are a no-no for kids

At issue are substances called polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs, said Dr. Aimin Chen, an assistant professor of environmental health at the University of Cincinnati. They’ve been widely used as flame retardants. “Reducing exposure to PBDEs is a challenge,” he said in a news release, “but even a few simple steps such as hand-washing and limiting young children’s exposure can be helpful.” More:
Cincinnati Business Courier

26/06/2013 -

Manufacturers add potentially harmful fire-retardant chemicals to insulation to pass a flammability test required in building codes. But the test isn’t reliable for foam plastic insulation, argued fire scientist Vytenis Babrauskas and his colleagues in a study published in Building Research and Information. More:
www.kqed.org (California, USA)

An Environmental Catch-22: Fire Safety Chemicals in Insulation Pose Risks

Manufacturers add potentially harmful fire-retardant chemicals to insulation to pass a flammability test required in building codes. But the test isn’t reliable for foam plastic insulation, argued fire scientist Vytenis Babrauskas and his colleagues in a study published in Building Research and Information. More:
www.kqed.org (California, USA)

24/06/2013 -

The complex debate over toxins in Norwegian farmed salmon has experts speaking out on both sides, with some maintaining that farmed salmon is safe while others advise against consuming it at all. More:
Barents Observer

Understanding the Debate over POPs in Norwegian Farmed Salmon

The complex debate over toxins in Norwegian farmed salmon has experts speaking out on both sides, with some maintaining that farmed salmon is safe while others advise against consuming it at all. More:
Barents Observer

19/06/2013 -

Femmes enceintes et jeunes, ne mangez pas de saumon plus de deux fois par semaine. Telle est la nouvelle recommandation du gouvernement norvégien, forcé de reconnaître – tardivement – que ce poisson gras est aussi bourré de produits toxiques. More:
www.rue89.com (French)

La Norvège reconnaît que son saumon peut être dangereux pour la santé

Femmes enceintes et jeunes, ne mangez pas de saumon plus de deux fois par semaine. Telle est la nouvelle recommandation du gouvernement norvégien, forcé de reconnaître – tardivement – que ce poisson gras est aussi bourré de produits toxiques. More:
www.rue89.com (French)

18/06/2013 -

Des substances toxiques présentes dans des déchets plastiques de taille microscopique peuvent s’insérer dans la chaîne alimentaire par l’ingestion d’organismes de la faune marine, comme l’holothurie, le plancton et les moules, affirme la délégation néerlandaise, qui invitera les ministres européens de l’environnement à s’attaquer au problème lors d’une réunion aujourd’hui (18 juin) à Luxembourg. More:
EurActiv.com (French)

Les Néerlandais ne veulent plus de déchets plastiques dans leurs moules

Des substances toxiques présentes dans des déchets plastiques de taille microscopique peuvent s’insérer dans la chaîne alimentaire par l’ingestion d’organismes de la faune marine, comme l’holothurie, le plancton et les moules, affirme la délégation néerlandaise, qui invitera les ministres européens de l’environnement à s’attaquer au problème lors d’une réunion aujourd’hui (18 juin) à Luxembourg. More:
EurActiv.com (French)

13/06/2013 -

Santo Domingo - Cuando un producto calificado como ambiental llega a las aduanas del país, o cuando se pretende que salga de sus fronteras, sean estas terrestres, aéreas o marítimas, se genera una alerta en el sistema de la Iniciativa Aduanas Verdes. More:
www.listindiario.com.do (Spanish)

Aduanas verdes

Santo Domingo - Cuando un producto calificado como ambiental llega a las aduanas del país, o cuando se pretende que salga de sus fronteras, sean estas terrestres, aéreas o marítimas, se genera una alerta en el sistema de la Iniciativa Aduanas Verdes. More:
www.listindiario.com.do (Spanish)

09/06/2013 -

New Bedford, MA, USA - Though New Bedford is the number one fishing port in the country, fishing in the harbor itself was banned by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in 1979 because the fish can contain dangerous amounts of the cancer-causing chemicals that litter the harbor floor. More:

Toxic legacy: Fish, fish everywhere, but not a bite to eat

New Bedford, MA, USA - Though New Bedford is the number one fishing port in the country, fishing in the harbor itself was banned by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in 1979 because the fish can contain dangerous amounts of the cancer-causing chemicals that litter the harbor floor. More:

05/06/2013 -

An ‘impact paper’ published today by the UK’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has drawn heavy criticism for suggesting that pregnant women should avoid exposure to common environmental chemicals, despite conceding that the risks of such exposures are unknown and unlikely to be ‘truly harmful to most babies’. More:
RSC Chemistry World

Uproar over chemical exposure advice for pregnant women

An ‘impact paper’ published today by the UK’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has drawn heavy criticism for suggesting that pregnant women should avoid exposure to common environmental chemicals, despite conceding that the risks of such exposures are unknown and unlikely to be ‘truly harmful to most babies’. More:
RSC Chemistry World

30/05/2013 -

Europeans live longer and healthier lives than in the past, partly due to successful environmental policies that have reduced the exposure to harmful environmental contaminants in air, water and food, according to a joint EEA/JRC report. The report shows the multiple ways in which the environment affects human health. More:
Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

Europe’s environment getting healthier while facing new risks

Europeans live longer and healthier lives than in the past, partly due to successful environmental policies that have reduced the exposure to harmful environmental contaminants in air, water and food, according to a joint EEA/JRC report. The report shows the multiple ways in which the environment affects human health. More:
Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

21/05/2013 -

With smoke and tar from faulty light fixtures leaking into New York City public school classrooms at alarming rates, the Bloomberg administration said on Tuesday that it would cut in half the time it needed to replace them. More:
The New York Times

City Agrees to Faster Cleanup of PCBs in Schools

With smoke and tar from faulty light fixtures leaking into New York City public school classrooms at alarming rates, the Bloomberg administration said on Tuesday that it would cut in half the time it needed to replace them. More:
The New York Times

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