POPs in the news

05/10/2012 -

Un mobile peut renfermer jusqu'à 40 éléments contenant des métaux lourds et des polluants organiques persistants. Armés de pinces, de ciseaux et de tournevis, les chercheurs de l'Ecology Center ont intégralement démonté les appareils pour soumettre tous leurs composants – processeur, circuits imprimés, écran, boutons, batteries... – à une analyse. More: 
Le Monde (French)
See also: 2012 Mobile Phone Study (English)

Du poison dans mon smartphone

Un mobile peut renfermer jusqu'à 40 éléments contenant des métaux lourds et des polluants organiques persistants. Armés de pinces, de ciseaux et de tournevis, les chercheurs de l'Ecology Center ont intégralement démonté les appareils pour soumettre tous leurs composants – processeur, circuits imprimés, écran, boutons, batteries... – à une analyse. More: 
Le Monde (French)
2012 Mobile Phone Study (English)

26/09/2012 -

Even if all the dioxin were eliminated from the planet, Washington State University researchers say its legacy would live on in the way it turns genes on and off in the descendants of people exposed over the past half century. More:
Science Daily

Dioxin Causes Disease and Reproductive Problems Across Generations

Even if all the dioxin were eliminated from the planet, Washington State University researchers say its legacy would live on in the way it turns genes on and off in the descendants of people exposed over the past half century. More:
Science Daily

23/09/2012 -

It has been four decades since one of the most catastrophic agricultural disasters in U.S. history unfolded in the heart of Michigan, forcing the destruction of tens of thousands of cattle contaminated with polybrominated biphenyl, or PBB, and allowing the chemical to slip onto the dinner plates and into the drinking glasses of nine out of 10 Michiganders. More:
Detroit Free Press - USA

Decades later, PBB contamination suspected in illnesses and deaths

It has been four decades since one of the most catastrophic agricultural disasters in U.S. history unfolded in the heart of Michigan, forcing the destruction of tens of thousands of cattle contaminated with polybrominated biphenyl, or PBB, and allowing the chemical to slip onto the dinner plates and into the drinking glasses of nine out of 10 Michiganders. More:
Detroit Free Press - USA

23/09/2012 -

En Honduras estos químicos tienen varios referentes, entre ellos el DDT, legendario plaguicida utilizado para el combate de la malaria, y los bifenilospoliclorados o PCBs, incorporados dentro de transformadores y aparatos eléctricos. More:
La Tribuna - Honduras (Spanish)

Honduras busca “desintoxicarse” de 214 toneladas de desechos químicos

En Honduras estos químicos tienen varios referentes, entre ellos el DDT, legendario plaguicida utilizado para el combate de la malaria, y los bifenilospoliclorados o PCBs, incorporados dentro de transformadores y aparatos eléctricos. More:
La Tribuna - Honduras (Spanish)

12/09/2012 -

A fifth-grader on Staten Island, New York, was exposed last week to a polychlorinated biphenyl-laced chemical that has been leaking from aging light fixtures in some New York City classrooms, officials said. More:
NBC New York - USA

PCB Ballast Leaks on 5th-Grader in Staten Island Classroom

A fifth-grader on Staten Island, New York, was exposed last week to a polychlorinated biphenyl-laced chemical that has been leaking from aging light fixtures in some New York City classrooms, officials said. More:
NBC New York - USA

08/09/2012 -

Professor Hideshige Takada of the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, which analysed industrial plastic pellets collected from 200 beaches in 40 countries said that samples from Isipingo beach reflected the highest concentration of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) in the world. HCH compounds cling to the pellets, making them a reliable indicator of levels of toxicity, Takada said. More: 
The Independent on Saturday  - South Africa

Durban toxic water scare

Professor Hideshige Takada of the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, which analysed industrial plastic pellets collected from 200 beaches in 40 countries said that samples from Isipingo beach reflected the highest concentration of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) in the world. HCH compounds cling to the pellets, making them a reliable indicator of levels of toxicity, Takada said. More: 
The Independent on Saturday - South Africa

05/09/2012 -

Hartwell Lake, 50 years old this year, was the catch basin for about 400,000 pounds of the cancer-causing material that flowed downstream from the Sangamo Electric Co. plant in Pickens during the past six decades. Most of it is now buried under about 72 inches of sediment. More:
IndependentMail.com - USA

PCBs play dominant role in Hartwell's history

Hartwell Lake, 50 years old this year, was the catch basin for about 400,000 pounds of the cancer-causing material that flowed downstream from the Sangamo Electric Co. plant in Pickens during the past six decades. Most of it is now buried under about 72 inches of sediment. More:
IndependentMail.com - USA

05/09/2012 -

A chemical used in the manufacture of common household products -- such as some food packaging, carpets, paint, and nonstick cookware -- may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease, a new study suggests.More:

Household chemical linked to heart disease

A chemical used in the manufacture of common household products -- such as some food packaging, carpets, paint, and nonstick cookware -- may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease, a new study suggests.More:

05/09/2012 -

Chemical 'Intensification' of Economies in Developing Countries Means Greater Risk of Exposure to Hazardous Substances. New study shows sound management of chemicals can deliver major economic benefits and support green economy. More:
UNEP News Centre

Urgent Action Needed to Reduce Growing Health and Environmental Hazards from Chemicals: UN Report

Chemical 'Intensification' of Economies in Developing Countries Means Greater Risk of Exposure to Hazardous Substances. New study shows sound management of chemicals can deliver major economic benefits and support green economy. More:
UNEP News Centre

03/09/2012 -

The highest levels ever of DDT in breast milk have been measured in mothers living in malaria-stricken villages in South Africa. The values lie well over the limits set by the World Health Organization. DDT has been used for many years in South Africa, sprayed indoors to fight malaria. More:

High levels of DDT in breast milk in South Africa

The highest levels ever of DDT in breast milk have been measured in mothers living in malaria-stricken villages in South Africa. The values lie well over the limits set by the World Health Organization. DDT has been used for many years in South Africa, sprayed indoors to fight malaria. More:

29/08/2012 -

Los alimentos que adquirimos a diario en almacenes y supermercados, aparentemente aptos para el consumo humano, suelen contener una variedad de contaminantes peligrosos. ¿Cómo saberlo? Es casi imposible ya que, a simple vista, pasan inadvertidos para la mayoría de las personas. More:
AIMO - Argentina (Spanish)

El riesgo de la contaminación química en los alimentos

Los alimentos que adquirimos a diario en almacenes y supermercados, aparentemente aptos para el consumo humano, suelen contener una variedad de contaminantes peligrosos. ¿Cómo saberlo? Es casi imposible ya que, a simple vista, pasan inadvertidos para la mayoría de las personas. More:
AIMO - Argentina (Spanish)

28/08/2012 -

Un agroindustrial y un piloto argentinos fueron condenados a tres años de prisión por fumigar cultivos de soya con endosulfán y glifosato, venenos prohibidos por la Ley de Agroquímicos de la provincia de Córdoba. Es la primera vez que la justicia argentina sanciona como delito de contaminación ambiental el uso del endosulfán. More:
www.bolpress.com (Spanish)

Argentina sanciona por primera vez a soyeros que fumigan con endosulfán y glifosato

Un agroindustrial y un piloto argentinos fueron condenados a tres años de prisión por fumigar cultivos de soya con endosulfán y glifosato, venenos prohibidos por la Ley de Agroquímicos de la provincia de Córdoba. Es la primera vez que la justicia argentina sanciona como delito de contaminación ambiental el uso del endosulfán. More:
www.bolpress.com (Spanish)

09/08/2012 -

The US has begun a project to help clean up Agent Orange contamination at one area in Vietnam - the first such move since the war ended in 1975. The work is taking place at the airport in the central city of Danang. More:

US starts Agent Orange clean-up in Vietnam

The US has begun a project to help clean up Agent Orange contamination at one area in Vietnam - the first such move since the war ended in 1975. The work is taking place at the airport in the central city of Danang. More:

06/08/2012 -

In Zimbabwe, chemicals are extensively used in agriculture, particularly in regions where soils are known to be poor and sandy, and these are also the regions where poor communal farmers are mostly concentrated. Changes in the climate system have also been a cause for serious concern, as local agriculture and food production systems are under stress. More:
allAfrica.com (The Herald)

Zimbabwe: Makoni Farmers Go Green

In Zimbabwe, chemicals are extensively used in agriculture, particularly in regions where soils are known to be poor and sandy, and these are also the regions where poor communal farmers are mostly concentrated. Changes in the climate system have also been a cause for serious concern, as local agriculture and food production systems are under stress. More:
allAfrica.com (The Herald)

02/08/2012 -

For almost 50 years, whenever chemicals have been found in lake trout in Lake Ontario, they also have contaminated animals and people throughout the Great Lakes and farther north, in the Arctic. The lake trout's role as a toxic harbinger, begun in the late 1960s, continues as researchers recently discovered another unfamiliar flame retardant in the trout and in the Canadian Arctic's beluga whales. More:
Environmental Health News

Fishing for contaminants: Lake trout a harbinger of global pollutants

For almost 50 years, whenever chemicals have been found in lake trout in Lake Ontario, they also have contaminated animals and people throughout the Great Lakes and farther north, in the Arctic. The lake trout's role as a toxic harbinger, begun in the late 1960s, continues as researchers recently discovered another unfamiliar flame retardant in the trout and in the Canadian Arctic's beluga whales. More:
Environmental Health News

01/08/2012 -

El pescado es fuente de nutrientes como ácidos grasos, proteínas, vitaminas y minerales, pero también puede serlo de contaminantes, como metilmercurio, arsénico y contaminantes orgánicos persistentes (COP). Un estudio analiza cuál es la cantidad de pescado que debe consumirse para optimizar la ingesta de nutrientes y limitar la exposición a contaminantes. More:
www.consumer.es (Spanish)

Comer pescado sin riesgo: limitar la exposición a contaminantes

El pescado es fuente de nutrientes como ácidos grasos, proteínas, vitaminas y minerales, pero también puede serlo de contaminantes, como metilmercurio, arsénico y contaminantes orgánicos persistentes (COP). Un estudio analiza cuál es la cantidad de pescado que debe consumirse para optimizar la ingesta de nutrientes y limitar la exposición a contaminantes. More:
www.consumer.es (Spanish)

31/07/2012 -

In a major new study, two groups of women in the Salt Lake City and San Francisco areas – one group with pelvic pain and the other with no symptoms -- were more likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis if they had high blood levels of the estrogen-like pesticide hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) than women with low levels. HCH has been banned as a crop pesticide in the United States but it builds up and persists in the environment, so it remains in some food supplies. More:
Environmental Health News

Women at risk: Health problems linked to environmental estrogens

In a major new study, two groups of women in the Salt Lake City and San Francisco areas – one group with pelvic pain and the other with no symptoms -- were more likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis if they had high blood levels of the estrogen-like pesticide hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) than women with low levels. HCH has been banned as a crop pesticide in the United States but it builds up and persists in the environment, so it remains in some food supplies. More:
Environmental Health News

26/07/2012 -

Plus de 100 millions de personnes dans le monde sont exposées à des niveaux dangereux de produits toxiques, selon le média australien ABC, qui s'appuie sur les travaux du Blacksmith Institute, une ONG américaine. More:
www.lepoint.fr (French)

Les sites les plus pollués du monde

Plus de 100 millions de personnes dans le monde sont exposées à des niveaux dangereux de produits toxiques, selon le média australien ABC, qui s'appuie sur les travaux du Blacksmith Institute, une ONG américaine. More:
www.lepoint.fr (French)

23/07/2012 -

Tegucigalpa.- El uso indiscriminado de plaguicidas, pesticidas y herbicidas en la producción agrícola nacional poco a poco ha estado envenenando a adultos y niños, a tal punto que la Secretaría de Salud reporta varios muertos y alrededor de dos mil intoxicados en los últimos dos años. More:
La Tribuna (Spanish)

Intoxicaciones masivas por uso de mortíferos agroquímicos

Tegucigalpa.- El uso indiscriminado de plaguicidas, pesticidas y herbicidas en la producción agrícola nacional poco a poco ha estado envenenando a adultos y niños, a tal punto que la Secretaría de Salud reporta varios muertos y alrededor de dos mil intoxicados en los últimos dos años. More:
La Tribuna (Spanish)

20/07/2012 -

L'Efsa a publié le 18 juillet un rapport sur les taux de dioxines et de PCB présents dans les aliments. Verdict : un baisse de l'exposition à ces substances toxiques via l'alimentation tant pour la population générale que chez les enfants. More:
Actu-Environnement (French)

Dioxines et PCB : l'exposition alimentaire en baisse en Europe

L'Efsa a publié le 18 juillet un rapport sur les taux de dioxines et de PCB présents dans les aliments. Verdict : un baisse de l'exposition à ces substances toxiques via l'alimentation tant pour la population générale que chez les enfants. More:
Actu-Environnement (French)

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