Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centre located in Indonesia (BCRC-SCRC Indonesia)

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Date of establishment:
BCRC in October 2004 (Framework Agreement)
SCRC in August 2011 (Nomination) More

By decision BC-III/19 the Conference of the Parties of the Basel Convention in 1997, selected Indonesia as a site to establish a BCRC for Asia Pacific region. Following the framework agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Secretariat of the Basel Convention in October 2004, Basel Convention Regional Centre for Southeast Asia (BCRC-SEA) was established. The centre however came into operation effectively only since January 2006. In August 2011, the same centre was nominated by the Asia and the Pacific region to serve as a Stockholm Convention regional centre as well. In 2013 it was endorsed by COP 6 as a Stockholm Convention Regional or Subregional Centre for a period of two years and recently, COP 7 has endorsed it again for another term of four years.

Hosted by: The Ministry of Environment of Indonesia

Parties served: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam

Expertise: ESM and inventory of Electronic waste, hazardous waste management, updating of NIPs, etc.

For more information visit:

Coordinator/Director: Mr Anton Purnomo
Contact person: Ms. Cynthia Indriani
Telephone: +62 21 85 20 408
Fax: +62 21 85 20 408
Address: JI. D. I Panjaitan Kav. 24, Building A, 6th Floor, 13410, Jakarta, Indonesia

Activity Reports

  • Recent
  • Past


  • Recent
  • Past

Centre Profile


Items: 4 
Relevant information pursuant to paragraph 6 of decision SC-3/12 (completed format)237.49 K
Procurement capacity assessment (2018)2.95 MB
Legal document by which the organization was established1.77 MB
Institutional Profile207.06 K

Staff List

  • Coordinator and Contact Person
  • Technical Staff

Nomination of the Centre


Items: 1 
Nomination letter822.27 K