DDT is one of the Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) pesticides regulated by the Stockholm Convention. The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention allows the use of DDT for public health interventions for disease vector control as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Global Alliance for the development and deployment of products, methods and strategies as alternatives to DDT for disease vector control is established under the Stockholm Convention towards reduced reliance on DDT while facilitating the control of malaria transmission.
Strengthening of in-country decision-making on IVM is one of the five themes of the Global Alliance implementation strategy towards achieving its goals with specific focus to overcome the complexity and cost of implementing alternatives to DDT.
Thirteen public health officers and environmental health officers participated at the training programme. The core curriculum on IVM training recently prepared by the WHO was used for the training by resource persons from WHO/AFRO and research and academic institutes in Kenya.
The five-day training programme consisted of classroom sessions and one-day field visit to IVM trial site. During the field visit the participants had a hands-on experience to basic elements of field implementation of the IVM approach. They also participated in a community empowerment initiative on environmental management and examined a malaria disease management program implemented by community health-clinic.
At the end of the training participants developed individual plans of actions to facilitate implementation of IVM approach in disease vector control in their respective countries, as follow up action
Target Audience
The countries selected to participate included Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The training brought together public health officers and environmental health officers respectively from the relevant Ministries of Health and Environment and at the district level providing technical guidance on vector control strategies and implementing local vector control interventions.
Meeting report
Report of the Regional Training Workshop on Strengthening of Country Capacities to Implement Integrated Vector Management (IVM) as Alternative to DDT |