Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Capacity-building and the Transfer of Technology, Mexico (SCRC Mexico)

Location: Mexico city, Mexico

Date of establishment: December 2007 (nomination)

Hosted by: National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change and the National Centre for Environmental Research and Training

Parties served: Federal government institutions, national and Latin American research centres, Latin American government institutions

Expertise: The expertise of the centre includes, air pollution, waste, toxic substances, contaminated sites; establishment of systems to monitor air pollution in the states; processes contribute to capacity building of officials and technicians.

For more information visit: ;

Coordinator: Dr. José Abraham Ortínez Álvarez
Contact person: Dra. Ania Mendoza Cantu
Telephone: +52 55 5424 6400 ext 13251
Fax: +52 55 5613 3821
Address: Instituto Nacional de Ecologia y Cambio Climatico, SEMARNAT
Blvd. Adolfo Ruíz Cortines 4209, Piso 1, Ala A, Col. Jardínes en la Montaña,
Ciudad de México. C.P. 14210,

Activity Reports

  • Recent
  • Past


  • Recent
  • Past

Centre Profile


Items: 4  
Relevant information pursuant to paragraph 6 of decision SC-3/12 (completed format)407.82 K 
Procurement capacity assessment (2018)3.34 MB 
Legal document by which the organization was established 746.03 K
Organigram 227.2 K

Staff List

  • Coordinator and Contact Person
  • Techinal Staff

Nomination of the Centre


Items: 1 
Nomination letter920.5 K