Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Capacity-building and the Transfer of Technology, Spain (SCRC Spain)

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Date of establishment: October 2007 (nomination)

Hosted by: MedWaves, UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production under Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)

Parties served: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Montenegro, Morocco, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey

Expertise: Capacity building, training and technology transfer to industries and public sector on the Sound Chemical Management, Pollution Prevention and Sustainable Consumption and Production.

For more information visit:


Coordinator: Mr. Jesus Maestro
Contact person: Mr. Jesus Maestro
Telephone: +34 93 222 69 20;
Fax: +34 93 553 87 95
Address: Passeig de la Zona Franca, 107. 08038 Barcelona (Catalunya) Spain

Activity Reports

  • Recent
  • Past


  • Recent
  • Past

Centre Profile


Items: 4 
Relevant information pursuant to paragraph 6 of decision SC-3/12 (completed format)287.09 K
Procurement capacity assessment (2018)2 MB
Legal document by which the organization was established4.73 MB
Institutional Profile5.12 MB

Staff List

  • Coordinator and Contact Person
  • Technical Staff

Nomination of the Centre


Items: 1 
Nomination letter81.68 K