Basel and Stockholm conventions Regional Centre located in China (BCRC-SCRC China)

Location: Beijing, China

Date of establishment:
BCRC in May 2011 (Framework Agreement), More
SCRC in November 2007 (Nomination)
(BCRC China was already in operation before its formal establishment in 2011)

By decision BC-III/19 the Conference of the Parties of the Basel Convention in 1997, selected China as a site to establish a BCRC for Asia Pacific region and came into operation soon after the decision on its establishment. However only in May 2011 a framework agreement between the Government of China and the Secretariat of Basel Convention was signed for its establishment. The Centre was nominated to serve also as a Stockholm Convention centre in November 2007 and was endorsed in 2009 as a regional centre for capacity building and technology transfer under the Stockholm Convention for four years. Recently, COP 7 has endorsed it again for another term of four years.

Hosted by: The School of Environment of Tsinghua University in Beijing

Parties served: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, India, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Maldives, Micronesia (Federated States of), Mongolia, Nepal, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Samoa, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Expertise: The Centre has expertise in implementing various projects on controlling environmental release of POPs under the Stockholm Convention, the environmentally sound management of PCBs-containing waste, Electronic-waste etc.
For more information visit:



Coordinator: Prof. Jinhui Li (Mr)
Contact person: Dr. Yuan Chen (Ms)
Telephone: +86 10 62 79 43 51
Fax: +86 10 62 77 20 48
Address: School of Environment, Tsinghua University, 100084, Beijing, China

Activity Reports

  • Recent
  • Past

Business Plans

  • Recent
  • Past



Items: 4 
Activity Report 2017-20181.05 MB
Activity Report 2019-20201.05 MB
Activity Report 2021-2022962.17 K
Activity Report 2023-20241011.02 K

Centre Profile


Items: 4  
Relevant information pursuant to paragraph 6 of decision SC-3/12 (completed format) 69.94 K
Procurement capacity assessment (2018) 8.57 MB
Legal document by which the organization was established283.06 K 
Institutional Profile 39.81 K

Staff List

  • Coordinator and Contact Person
  • Technical Staff

Nomination of the Centre


Items: 1 
Nomination letter108.88 K