Call for information in follow-up to eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention


At its 11th meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention adopted the decisions contained in annex I to the report of the meeting, document UNEP/POPS/COP.11/31. Several of those decisions included invitations to Parties and others to provide information.

The following letter was sent to Parties and observers with a summary of the individual decisions that contain invitations for information and comments. The individual invitations to submit information are organized by relevant COP agenda items. Information sought in each item can be transmitted separately, since the deadlines for submission vary.

Similar letters have also been prepared to solicit information sought in follow-up to 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention and 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention and are available on the Basel and Rotterdam Convention’s websites.

Letter related to calls for information

Title English French Spanish
Letter related to calls for information in follow-up to 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention (1-12 May 2023) Download the Information Request Communication in English Download the Information Request Communication in French Download the Information Request Communication in Spanish

Specific calls for information

Call for information Deadlines Additional information / Submission form Contact persons
1. Exemptions
a. Parties listed in the register for specific exemptions for decabromodiphenyl ether are invited to provide to the Secretariat additional information to justify the need for the registration of such exemptions for submission to the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting, including on the following: production; uses; efficacy and efficiency of possible control measures; information on the availability, suitability and implementation of alternatives; status of control and monitoring capacity; and any control actions taken at the national or regional level.
31 December 2024
2. DDT

a. Parties currently in the DDT register are invited to review their needs and to transmit an updated notification of intention to produce and/or use DDT or a notification of withdrawal from the register
31 December 2023
b. Parties that have identified DDT stockpiles are urged to provide information related to those stockpiles to the Secretariat through their national reports under Article 15 of the Convention.
Information to be submitted as soon as possible.
c. Parties are encouraged to consider putting forward a proposal, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting, to amend the interval of the submission of information on DDT pursuant to paragraph 4 of part II of Annex B, through the DDT questionnaire, every two years so as to enable the consideration of the matter by the Conference of the Parties at every ordinary meeting.
No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible. -
3. Polychlorinated biphenyls

a. Parties and observers are invited to provide comments on the guidance for the development of inventories of polychlorinated biphenyls and analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls; the draft strategy for Parties to meet the 2025 and 2028 goals of the Stockholm Convention; and other guidance relevant to polychlorinated biphenyls available under the Stockholm Convention.
31 October 2023

b. Parties are urged to report to the Conference of the Parties on the measures they have taken to implement part II of Annex A to the Convention, including quantitative information on polychlorinated biphenyls, in their national reports pursuant to Article 15.
As soon as possible if not yet reported in the fifth national report pursuant to Article 15.
c. Parties are invited to consider serving as lead country of the small intersessional working group and to inform the Secretariat accordingly.
31 August 2023 -
d. Parties and observers are invited to nominate experts, taking due consideration of regional and gender balance and of relevant expertise, to participate in the small intersessional working group.
31 August 2023
4. Evaluation of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 6 of part III of Annex B to the Stockholm Convention
a. Parties using insect baits with sulfluramid (CAS No. 4151-50-2) as an active ingredient for the control of leaf-cutting ants from Atta spp. and Acromyrmex spp. for agricultural use are reminded to register for the acceptable purpose by notifying the Secretariat.
As soon as possible -
5. Guidelines and guidance on best available techniques and best environmental practices

a. Parties and others are encouraged to use the guidelines and guidance on best available techniques and best environmental practices when applying measures to minimize and ultimately eliminate releases of the chemicals listed in Annex A or B, and/or C to the Convention, and to provide feedback on their usefulness.
No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible. -
b. Parties and others are invited to submit short case studies on remediation of sites contaminated with persistent organic pollutants to be considered in further developing the draft guidance on the identification and management of sites contaminated by persistent organic pollutants.
In accordance with the workplan referred to in paragraph 8 of decision SC-11/5 by 15 September 2023.
c. Parties and others are invited to submit information on the production process and use of short-chain chlorinated paraffins, including products containing short-chain chlorinated paraffins.
In accordance with the workplan referred to in paragraph 8 of decision SC-11/5 by 15 September 2023.
d. Parties and others are invited to nominate experts with relevant expertise to be added to the joint Toolkit and best available techniques and best environmental practices expert roster.
No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible.
e. Parties and others are invited to contribute to the further review and update of the guidelines and guidance by submitting information on the successful application of best available techniques and best environmental practices relevant to the chemicals listed in Annexes A, B and C to the Convention and other technical information.
In accordance with the workplan referred to in paragraph 8 of decision SC-11/5 by 15 September 2023.
6. Implementation plans
a. Parties that have not developed or updated their implementation plans are urged to enhance their efforts to do so and transmit their plans as soon as possible.
As soon as possible
b. Parties and observers are invited to submit comments on the guidance and the document setting out a draft global approach to the review and updating of national implementation plans pursuant to Article 7 of the Convention.
31 October 2023
c. Appropriate bodies of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal are invited to review the waste related aspects of the draft guidance on inventories and alternatives to the newly listed persistent organic pollutants and other guidance available to support the development and updating of the national implementation plans for the Convention.
31 October 2023
d. Parties are encouraged to pilot test the electronic templates for the reporting of quantitative and qualitative information contained in national implementation plans in a manner harmonized with the reporting under Article 15 of the Convention, developed in cooperation with the Chemicals and Health Branch of the United Nations Environment Programme. Parties are invited to submit comments on the electronic templates.
31 October 2023 -
7. Operation of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee
a. Parties and observers are invited to submit to the Secretariat any further information regarding the identification of substances covered by the listing of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds and by the listing of perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), its salts and PFHxS-related compounds so that the information can be considered in further updating the indicative lists of those chemicals pursuant to paragraph 9 of decision SC-9/13 and paragraph 3 of decision SC-10/14, respectively.
 No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible. -
b. Parties and observers are encouraged to submit the information specified in Annexes E and F to the Convention and to review and provide to the Committee in a timely manner, through the Secretariat, technical comments on draft risk profiles and draft risk management evaluations to support the development of sound recommendations to the Conference of the Parties and supporting documents on the listing of chemicals in Annexes A, B and/or C to the Convention and, in doing so, where relevant, to involve experts working at the national level on activities related to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal.
No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible.
8. POPs in stockpiles, products and article in use and waste
a. Parties and observers are invited to submit information on experiences with, and challenges encountered in, developing and implementing appropriate strategies for identifying persistent organic pollutants in stockpiles, products and articles in use and in wastes and other relevant information to support the work referred to in paragraph 2 of decision SC-11/12.
Date to be decided on by the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee -
9. Technical assistance
a. Developing-country Parties and Parties with economies in transition are invited to submit to the Secretariat information on their needs for technical assistance and technology transfer, in accordance with the provisions of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions.
31 May 2024
(updated deadline)
Online questionnaire
b. Developed-country Parties and others with the capacity to do so are invited to submit to the Secretariat information on the technical assistance and technology that they have available to be transferred, in accordance with the provisions of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, to developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition.
31 May 2024
(updated deadline)
Online questionnaire
10. Financial mechanism

Assessment of funding needs for the period 2026-2030
a. Parties and others are invited to provide the relevant information required to undertake the assessment of funding needs set out in the terms of reference for the assessment of funding needed by developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition for the implementation of the Convention over the period 2026 – 2030.
31 August 2024
b. Developed-country Parties are invited to use, as appropriate, online questionnaires and other formats and, in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 13 of the Stockholm Convention, to provide the Secretariat with information on ways in which they can provide support, including new and additional financial resources, for the implementation of the Convention, including information on access to such support.
31 October 2024
An online questionnaire will be made available to enable responses to this request.
c. Other Parties are invited to use, as appropriate, online questionnaires and other formats and, in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 13 of the Stockholm Convention, to provide the Secretariat with information on ways in which they can provide support, including financial resources, in accordance with their capabilities, for the implementation of the Convention, including information on access to such support.
31 October 2024
An online questionnaire will be made available to enable responses to this request.
d. Other sources, including relevant funding institutions, such as development banks and the private sector, are invited to use, as appropriate, online questionnaires and other formats and, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the Stockholm Convention, to provide the Secretariat with information on ways in which they can provide contributions to the implementation of the Convention, including information on access to such contributions.
31 October 2024  An online questionnaire will be made available to enable responses to this request.
Sixth review of the Financial Mechanism

e. The entities entrusted with the operation of the financial mechanism are requested to provide information relevant to the review in a timely manner.
In a timely manner -
f. Parties are encouraged to provide information on their experiences gained in the context of activities funded by the financial mechanism.
31 August 2024
g. Intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations are invited to provide relevant information pursuant to the objectives of the present review.
31 August 2024
11. Reporting pursuant to Article 15 of the Stockholm Convention
a. Parties to submit their sixth national report as complete as possible and on time.
31 August 2026
12. Synergies in preventing and combating illegal traffic and trade in hazardous chemicals and waste
a. Parties to the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions are encouraged to voluntarily provide information about cases of international trade in hazardous chemicals occurring in contravention of the conventions.
As appropriate
b. Parties to the Basel Convention are reminded to report cases of illegal traffic.
As appropriate
c. Parties are invited to provide best practices for preventing and combating illegal traffic and trade in hazardous chemicals and wastes covered by the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions and to voluntarily share information through the Secretariat on action taken to implement and enforce the trade control measures, as well as on challenges Parties may be facing.
As appropriate -
13. Venue and dates of the next meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
a. Parties are invited to submit offers to host the 2027 meetings of the conferences of the Parties for consideration during the meetings of the conferences of the Parties in 2025.
28 January 2025

* Joint issues to the three conventions.


Call for information English French Spanish
1. Exemptions Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
2. DDT Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
3. Polychlorinated biphenyls Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
4. Evaluation of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 6 of part III of Annex B to the Stockholm Convention Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
5. Guidelines and guidance on best available techniques and best environmental practices Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
6. Implementation plans Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
7. Operation of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
8. POPs in stockpiles, products and article in use and waste Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
9. Technical assistance Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
10. Financial mechanism Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
11. Reporting pursuant to Article 15 of the Stockholm Convention Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
12. Synergies in preventing and combating illegal traffic and trade in hazardous chemicals and wastes Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
13. Venue and dates of the next meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions Download in English


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Call for information English French Spanish
1. Exemptions Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
2. DDT Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
3. Polychlorinated biphenyls Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
4. Evaluation of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 6 of part III of Annex B to the Stockholm Convention Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
5. Guidelines and guidance on best available techniques and best environmental practices Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
6. Implementation plans Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
7. Operation of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
8. POPs in stockpiles, products and article in use and waste Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
9. Technical assistance Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
10. Financial mechanism Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
11. Reporting pursuant to Article 15 of the Stockholm Convention Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
12. Synergies in preventing and combating illegal traffic and trade in hazardous chemicals and waste Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
13. Venue and dates of the next meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish