Call for information and follow-up to the sixteenth meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

At its sixteenth meeting held online from 11 to 16 January 2021, the POPs Review Committee agreed on the decisions contained in annex I to the report of the meeting (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.16/9).

A letter dated 18 January 2021 inviting the submission of information and comments as agreed by the POPs Review Committee at its sixteenth meeting was sent to Parties and observers.


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Invitation for information and comments following the decisions taken by the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee at its sixteenth meeting (POPRC-16)256.35 K 252.08 K 219.24 K

(1) Invitation for information on adverse effect of Dechlorane Plus

By decision POPRC-16/1, the Committee, having considered the draft risk profile for Dechlorane Plus, decided to defer its decision on the draft risk profile (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.16/2/Rev.1) to the seventeenth meeting of the Committee scheduled to take place from 27 September to 1 October 2021. The Committee noted that, while information on persistence, bioaccumulation and the potential for long-range environmental transport was conclusive, it was unable to reach agreement that the information on adverse effects was sufficient to conclude on the risk profile for Dechlorane Plus.

The Committee established an intersessional working group on Dechlorane Plus to review and update the draft risk profile, and invited Parties and observers to submit to the Secretariat additional information relating to adverse effects of Dechlorane Plus before 1 March 2021. Please use the form for submission of information on adverse effects of Dechlorane Plus.


Items: 1 
Form for submission of information on adverse effect of Dechlorane Plus32.9 K

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(2) Invitation for information specified in Annex F (socio-economic consideration) for methoxychlor

By decision POPRC-16/2, the Committee, having completed the risk profile for methoxychlor in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 8 of the Convention, adopted the risk profile (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.16/9/Add.1) and decided, in accordance with paragraph 7 (a) of Article 8 of the Convention, that methoxychlor is likely, as a result of its long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and environmental effects such that global action is warranted.

The Committee established an intersessional working group to prepare a risk management evaluation that includes an analysis of possible control measures for methoxychlor in accordance with Annex F to the Convention, and invited Parties and observers to submit to the Secretariat the information specified in Annex F before 1 March 2021. Please use the form for submission of information on Annex F.


Items: 1 
Form for submission of Annex F information (methoxychlor)39.48 K

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(3) Invitation for information specified in Annex E (risk profile) for UV-328

By decision POPRC-16/3, the Committee, having examined the proposal by Switzerland to list UV-328 in Annex A to the Convention and having applied the screening criteria specified in Annex D to the Convention, decided that it was satisfied that the screening criteria for UV 328 (CAS No. 25973-55-1) had been fulfilled.

The Committee established an intersessional working group to review the proposal further and to prepare a draft risk profile for UV 328 in accordance with Annex E to the Convention, and invited Parties and observers to submit to the Secretariat the information specified in Annex E before 1 March 2021. Please use the form for submission of information on Annex E.


Items: 1 
Form for submission of Annex E information (UV-328)35.55 K

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(4) Invitation for comments on the draft indicative list of substances covered by the listing of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds

By decision POPRC-16/5, the Committee, having reviewed the compilation of information submitted by Parties and others pursuant to section III of decision SC-9/13 and the draft indicative list of substances covered by the listing of PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds, invited members, Parties and observers to submit comments on the draft updated indicative list set out in annex II to document UNEP/POPS/POPRC.16/INF/12 before 28 February 2021.

The Secretariat was requested to prepare, by 31 March 2021, a further revised draft indicative list of substances covered by the listing of PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds, taking into account the comments submitted. Parties and observers are invited to submit comments on the further revised draft indicative list before 30 April 2021.


Items: 1 
Draft updated indicative list of substances covered by the listing of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds (annex II to document UNEP/POPS/POPRC.16/INF/12)100 K

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5) Invitation for comments on the draft risk profiles on UV-328 and Dechlorane Plus and draft risk management evaluation on methoxychlor

The intersessional working groups on UV-328, Dechlorane Plus and methoxychlor established at POPRC-16 have prepared draft risk profiles on UV-328, Dechlorane Plus and a draft risk management evaluation on methoxychlor. In line with the workplan adopted at POPRC-16, Parties and observers are invited to review and provide comments on those drafts, as well as the related additional information, by 15 June 2021. Please send the comments to


Items: 6 
Invitation to review and submit comments on the draft risk profiles on UV-328 and Dechlorane Plus and the draft risk management evaluation on methoxychlor by 15 June 2021289.47 K
Draft additional information relating to the draft risk profile on Dechlorane Plus874.02 K
Draft risk profile on Dechlorane Plus330.86 K
Draft risk management evaluation on methoxychlor207.1 K
Draft additional information relating to the draft risk management evaluation on methoxychlor98.16 K
Draft risk profile on UV-328217.89 K

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(6) Invitation for comments on the revised draft indicative list of substances covered by the listing of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds

At its sixteenth meeting, the Committee adopted decision POPRC-16/5, by which it decided to invite comments from members, Parties and observers on the draft indicative list of PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds and requested the Secretariat to update the draft indicative list, in consultation with the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the Committee, taking into account the comments submitted.

In the same decision, the Committee recommended that the Conference of the Parties consider inviting Parties and observers to submit to the Secretariat any further information regarding the identification of substances covered by the listing of PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds so that the information can be considered when the list is further updated.  

The draft updated indicative list of substances covered by the listing of PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds is attached to this letter for comments by Parties and observers.

Parties and observers to the Stockholm Convention are invited to review the attached draft document and submit comments to the Secretariat, no later than 10 September 2021.

The deadline for submission of comments has been extended to 30 September 2021. The letter below indicates the email address to be used for the submission of the comments. 


Items: 2Load time table: 15.601 msec
Draft updated indicative list of substances covered by the listing of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds (ver. 16 July 2021)898.1 K
Invitation to review and submit comments on the draft updated indicative list of substances covered by the listing of PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds179.66 K

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