The thirty-one Committee members reviewed data on three chemicals proposed for listing in Annex A, B, and/or C of the Convention:
Endosulfan:The Committee reviewed and adopted a revised draft risk profile on endosulfan by which it agrees that the POP characteristics of the chemical warrant global action. The Committee decided to develop for endosulfan a risk management evaluation document that includes an analysis of possible control measures for consideration at its next meeting and final recommendation to the COP for its listing in the Annexes of the Convention.
Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD): The Committee reviewed the information provided and concluded that HBCD met the criteria for adverse effects, persistence, and bioaccumulation and long-range transport in Annex D of the Convention and agreed to prepare a risk profile that to be reviewed and considered at its next meeting.
Short-chained chlorinated paraffins (SCCP): The Committee reviewed the revised risk profile and decided to postpone a decision to its next meeting. In the meantime it decided to gather additional information on its environmental and health effects and trends in the levels in the environment.