Articles in use / Closed-system site-limited intermediates


Pursuant to notes (ii) of Annex A and Annex B to the Stockholm Convention, quantities of a chemical occurring as constituents of articles manufactured or already in use before or on the date of entry into force of the relevant obligation with respect to that chemical shall not be considered as listed in the relevant Annex, provided that a Party has notified the Secretariat that a particular type of article remains in use within that Party. These notes are not considered to establish a production and use acceptable purpose or specific exemption.

In addition, pursuant to notes (iii) of Annex A and Annex B to the Stockholm Convention, given that no significant quantities of certain chemicals are expected to reach humans and the environment during the production and use of a closed-system site-limited intermediate, a Party on notification to the Secretariat, may allow the production and use of quantities of a chemical listed in these Annexes as a closed-system site-limited intermediate that is chemically transformed in the manufacture of other chemicals that, taking into consideration the criteria in paragraph 1 of Annex D, do not exhibit the POPs characteristics. Such production or use shall not be considered a production or use specific exemption.

The Secretariat makes such notifications of constituents of articles in use and closed-system site-limited intermediates publicly available.


No frequency is specified within the Convention for notifications of constituents of articles in use or of closed system site-limited intermediates but Parties are advised to notify the Secretariat as soon as possible.

The production and use of quantities of a chemical listed in Annex A or Annex B as a closed-system site-limited intermediate covered under such a notification shall cease after a ten-year period, unless the Party concerned submits a new notification, in which case the period will be extended for an additional ten years unless the Conference of the Parties, after a review of the production and use decides otherwise. The notification procedure for closed-system site-limited intermediates can be repeated.


The Conference of the Parties has adopted a form for notifications of a chemical as a constituent of articles in use.

Notifications of closed system site-limited intermediates shall include information specified in Notes (iii) of Annex A and Annex B: information on total production and use of such chemical; or a reasonable estimate of such information; and information regarding the nature of the closed-system site-limited process, including the amount of any non-transformed and unintentional trace contamination of the POP-starting material in the final product. This procedure applies except as otherwise specified in Annex A or Annex B.

The Conference of the Parties has adopted a form for notifications of closed-system site-limited intermediates.

Procedures and Processes of the Secretariat

Parties are requested to send the duly completed form to the Secretariat by e-mail ( It is important to note that notifications may only be registered as allowed by the Convention and/or any relevant decision(s) of the Conference of the Parties.

The form must be completed by an entity duly authorized by the Government to communicate such information to the Secretariat. Information transmitted will be included in the relevant register maintained the Secretariat and made available on the website of the Stockholm Convention.


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Notification of a Chemical as a Constituent of Articles in Use
Notification forms Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
Notification of Closed-System Site-Limited Intermediate